Getting Six Pack Abs Is Easier With These Tips

Eight out of ten people would agree that ripped and shapely abdominals are the toughest muscles to acquire! Reality is that abdominal muscles require extra effort which includes a change in dietary habits and taking on some form of cardiovascular workout. Mentioned below are some guidelines which would assist you in getting that ripped mid section which you can proudly show off this summer.

Say No to Fatty Foods

You know everyone has a set of perfect abdominal muscles; it’s just a matter of uncovering them from underneath the layers of accumulated fats. So, the first order of business is to say no to fatty foods enriched with empty calories like French fries, chips, cookies and sodas. This would help tremendously in preventing fat accumulation on your belly. Remember the old sayings “you are what you eat” and “abs are built in the kitchen not in the gym”! Use these as your guidelines.

Reduction of Water Weight

Beverages like coffee, beer and sodas contain calories and contribute to water weight significantly. Instead of these, opt for drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. This will not only keep you hydrated, but will also flush toxins from the body and give you a clear complexion.

Get Active – Add Some Cardiovascular Activity to Your Routine

This is perhaps the most important aspect of losing fats and making your abs visible. You must add a cardiovascular activity like jogging, running, biking or swimming to your daily routine. It would not only get your heart thumping and pumping, but it will also burn calories from all over your body, helping to make your abs more prominent.

Abs Focused Exercises

Abs are like any other muscle of the body and require a thorough workout at least 3 days a week to sculpt and define them. Adding exercises like planks, crunches and leg raises would help tone up your belly muscles.

Get an Ab Belt

Abs are prone to overtraining like any other muscle and can’t be trained 5 days a week. But, having an Ab belt, you can safely train your abs throughout the week. Ab belt is a very handy tool that would stimulate abs and make them visible faster.
