Learn How Yoga Can Help In Weight Loss

Yoga is a great way to exercise and lose weight. It is easy to do and very calming and relaxing. A 60 year old can do it just as well as a 20 year old. Here are three poses to help to lose weight with yoga.

Do the Cresent

This is the move that will firm the hips, thighs and abs. Stand with your feet together, then exhale, then inhale and bring your arms ( which were by your side) up over your head. Exhale again and bend forward from the hips. Bring your hands to the floor, and then exhale as you step back into a lunge. Inhale and raise your arms over your head and return back to the starting position.

Do the Willow

Begin with your feet together, arms at the sides. Place your left sole on the right thigh, and touch your palms in front of you at the chest. Hold for two breaths. On the third breath, lift the hands up to the ceiling, and then exhale. On the inhale, bend to the left side. Inhale and straighten.

Do the Rocking Boat

Sit on the floor. Feet should be on the floor with your hands on your thighs. Lean back 45 degrees raising your calves so they are parallel to the floor with your toes pointed. Inhale and extend your arms and legs, keeping your toes together. On the exhale lower 3 inches so your body forms a V. Exhale and raise torso and legs back to the starting position.
