Phubbing Leads To Relationship Deterioration With Partner: Survey

Baylor University researchers from Texas have found spending too much of time on smartphone, tablet and other such devices may kill one's love life.

A survey was conducted on over US 450 adults with two sets of questions to find specific behaviors of an individual related to cellphones.

Researcher Meredith David said most of the smartphone users assume their partner don't mind if he is phubbing, but the survey found the quality of overall relationship deteriorates with it.

Phubbing is word termed for the habit of snubbing others by looking at one's smartphone constantly.

The researchers say when someone find their partner phubbed them, a conflict is created and this leads to the lower levels of satisfaction in their relationship. This further results with lower levels of life satisfaction and finally also leads to higher levels of depression.

Most of the people think a brief and simple cellphone distraction is not a big deal in their life, but in fact they are wrong as the opposite happens.

It is suggested to be cognizant of such interruptions while spending time with partner as these will just harm their relationship.

More to this, it is also suggested to avoid speaking on cellphones while driving and texting while driving. These are highly dangerous uses of smartphones. It is the call of time to stay safe with life as well as with your relationship.
