Some Basic Twitter Tips and Tricks

Twitter has become one of the very popular social media platforms that have been connecting millions of users all over the world. But for any of the new twitter users knowing some Twitter tips and tricks can make “tweeting” a more fun-filled experience.

By following these tips one can have more enjoyable twitter experience along with an increased number of followers on twitter:

1. Customization: To make the twitter account more enjoyable one can personalize it by putting their pictures. Twitter offers 160 character limits in which one can put as many keywords as they want for the ease of their followers. One can also create their own background picture that should be less than 800k. The recommended size for the background image is 1600*1200.

2. Third party tools: Twitter has a huge number of third-party tools that are present online for all the twitter users:

• Qwitter: This service sends an email as soon as some un-subscribes your twitter along with the post that must have inspired to leave your twitter page.
• Twitpic: To post the pictures on twitter one can make use of Twitpic that also allows posting the pictures while staying away from the computer with the help of twitterific app
• Manageflitter: This is an amazing site for managing the twitter followers that also gives details about the inactive or quiet users
• WeFollow: This helps in adding ones profile in the listing of twitter users
• SocialOomph: It offers free twitter tools to the users
• TwitterMeme: A place to find the hottest links on twitter
• Tweetbeat: Showcases the trending topics on twitter
• Twitter Grader: grades a trending accounts and gives the additional information about the account
• Twitter Fan Wiki Apps: This wiki website has a listing of several hundred different twitter applications

3. Make use of Twitter Search: Follow the given below tips to make the best use of twitter search tool:

• One can look for their own links by seeing if others are mentioning that particular page.
• You can search anything by typing the near “city state” option.
• Find people who would have something that interests you and this search can be made by following the people with any specific key word.
• To get the ad-free tweets one can type filter:links at the end of the search query.
• Excellent and interesting results can be saved by clicking on “Save this Search” which is located at the right hand side of the profile.

4. Manage the Followers: To manage the followers in the best way, it is essential to engage the followers. Following too many people is not a good option and make sure you retweet some interesting posts. Try to participate with people who have lots of followers. No one can practically read all the tweets and initially do not join hundreds of tweeters because that may declare you as bot on twitter.

5. Interesting and useful tweets are always followed up: Make sure that the tweets you post are useful, interesting and funny. Posting some useless mundane tweets will make your profile dull. In the tweets try to use “hash tags”. For enhancing the twitter popularity it is very essential to tweet regularly. 2-3 tweets a week are must to remain active and well-liked on tweeter. Try not to make unnecessary complains and make the tweets at the time when people will see them the most. Keep some space for re-tweets and try to use special characters on twitter.

6. Know and understand the Lingo: Understanding the twitter jargons are essential for any twitter user. Direct message (DM), @reply, hashtag, Retweet(RT), followers, Trending topics and Tweet are some of the common twitter lingo.

7. Try to follow the Master: Following some of the social networking and twitter masters will make you’re understand the trends and posting styles used on tweeter. Twitaholic can give a full listing of most popular people on twitter.

8. Make use of lists by creating them: Twitter lists are an amazing option of filtering filter through the people who are followed by you. One can click on the Lists and then inside the option of create a list can be selected for the same. First try to visit the profile page of person you wish to ass and then click on the icon of the list.

9. Go Mobile: Blackberry phones, Apple, iPhones and Android phones are some of the popular smartphone devices that offer twitter applications. Users who do not have smartphones, twitter offers an extensive SMS support that allows sending the tweets over text messages.

10. Advertise your twitter account: Try to publicize your twitter page as much as possible that will help in fetching more number of followers on the page. Twitter page can be advertised on Facebook, web pages, blogs, e-mail signature and on the business cards. A tweet button should be created or at least a twitter page should be created for all the users who wish more and more number of followers on their twitter account. Without following an appropriate approach it is impossible to get maximum number of followers on any twitter page.
