Lab Experiment Finds Arthiritis Drug Effective In Alzheimer Disease

In a new study it is found arthritis drug may also be effecting in the treatment of Alzheimer. It may reverse the symptoms of the disease.

Details of the study are published in the Nature Medicine journal. It writes the experiments were performed on mice in laboratory and hence further research is required. However, at least the findings are now at least offering a hope that soon an effective treatment against dementia may be made available.

Salsalate is the drug used in the experiments. It is a common medicine used in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory disorders. In the new research scientists found it to be effective in Alzheimer's disease too. It helps in preventing tau formation in the brain and save from brain impairments.

Tau is a specific brain protein and if it is acetylated, it may cause the brain issue. The acetylation is a chemical mechanism that alters the functionalities and properties of brain protein. It is a toxic process for the brain and causes cell degeneration and damage in cognition.

This is the first time a drug has been found with complete reversal of the toxic events.

Director of research and development at Alzheimer's Society, Doug Brown, said the Salsalate drug is commonly prescribed to arthritis patients and its mechanism and side effects are well known. The need now with it is to confirm whether the same can be prescribed to patients diagnosed with dementia.
