Movie Review: The American Jack (2010)

George Clooney is the main star in the suspense thriller, The American. Jack, an assassin, played by George Clooney is traveling a lot, mostly alone. After a job goes south in Sweden, he goes to Italy in order to relax. There he gets an assignment to build a weapon Mathilde (Thekla Reuten). While enjoying his vacation, he befriends with a local priest Father Benedetto (Paolo Bonacelli) and meets a beautiful woman, Clara (Violante Placido), who is actually a prostitute. Jack and Clara spend some time together and the whole thing evolves into a love story. But suddenly the peaceful quietude has an end.

The New York Times (A. O. Scott) writes a negative review (as usual). You can read it here. They first compare Clooney to Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen and Robert Redford, only to say then one paragraph later that he is boring. A. O. Scott uses a lot of sophisticated words to trash a movie.

The Rottentomatoes says 77 to 50 that the movie is good. You always have some know-best type reviewers out there. Their consensus is:

“As beautifully shot as it is emotionally restrained, The American is an unusually divisive spy thriller — and one that rests on an unusually subdued performance from George Clooney.”
I suggest that you watch the trailer and watch the movie. Provided you don’t object the genre, you should have fun.
