Pathway Genomics Launches Simple Blood Test For Early Detection Of Cancer

Researchers have come up with a new and innovative way to diagnose cancer and other deadly diseases early. It is a simple as well as absolutely affordable blood test.

The new way to diagnose has been developed by researchers at the Royal Brompton Hospital & National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI) at Imperial College London.

Several other diagnostic companies too have experimented some tests of their own development including manufacturers of DNA blood screening test kits that have managed detecting cancer traces in pregnant women.

Pathway Genomics has announced to be coming up with a method for cancer evaluation test that will detect cancer DNA in the blood. This will bring to end all the painful biopsies available as of now required for a diagnosis.

The company is expertise in offering personalized genetic testing as well as a unique app for smartphones.

The test will help in identifying DNA from a tumor. It will be able to detect the cancer-specific gene mutations and this is considered to be a real game changer.

The researchers added more and wider researches are still required to support initial findings ahead of making it available commercially in a clinical setting.

However, as of now the patients will find it best alternative to the biopsy.

It is important for all the researchers who are working on improving the detection and treatment of cancer to find new ways to spot the disease as early as possible.
