Scientists Develop Early Cancer Detection Method

In a new research scientists have come up with an implant that can capture cancer cells. As of now the test has been carried out in mice and the result is satisfactory.

Details of the study are published in the latest edition of Nature Communication journal in the US.

The scientists state the cancer cells are prevented from further spreading when the CTCs (Circulating Tumor Cells) are sucked and this could also help in stopping the disease progression.

The researchers from Northwestern University in Illinois said the new process would help in the early detection of the disease.

Lonnie Shea from the university added the first benefit of the new process is detection of cancer, which is in their term catching the metastasis before allowing it to spread to other parts of the body.

Shea and her team created biodegradable disks of about half centimeter for their experiment. They implanted it in mice that made use of the immune cells. It was also equipped with a scanner to detect the existence of trapped cells. The implant was small and sponge-like.

Even though the implant has shown potential in mice, but it is still not sure whether the same mechanism may work in people.

Cancer spreads from one part to others parts in the body even before the patients know it. This is the reason it is important to develop a mechanism that can detect cancer at very early stage.
