Tips To Add 2000 Steps In A Day

Walking more is a great way to keep in better shape and to work off a few extra calories. Adding steps to your day is easily done and does not require much change to your routine. Taking the stairs, parking farther away, a quick walk around the block, or a quick walk around your office can make a significant increase in the number of steps that you take during the day.

Take The Stairs

Many people will automatically opt for the escalator or elevator when given the chance. However, by taking the stairs up to your office you will add quite a few steps to your day and even build some extra muscle over time because of the difference in the muscles used when climbing rather than just walking on flat ground. If your office is in a high-rise and you do not feel that it is possible to climb all the way up using the stairs, try taking the elevator halfway up and walking the rest of the way. Another option is to walk as far on the stairs as you can and then take the elevator the rest of the way up rather than taking it all the way from the ground floor to your office.

Park Farther Away

It is natural for most people to immediately park as close as possible when running errands or when parking their car to go into work. By parking at the rear of the lot or on the top floor of the garage you can add a number of extra steps to your day without sacrificing much convenience or making a long trip to the gym.

A Quick Walk

Lunch breaks are often not long enough to make a trip to the gym or to go for a jog. Instead of just sitting at your desk, use the time to get some fresh air and revitalize yourself. A walk around the block will just take a few minutes and can be a great boost to the amount of walking you do in a day. If the weather is bad, take a couple laps around your office and stop to chat with a couple of co-workers along the way. Adding some exercise into your day doesn’t have to be boring, after all.

Adding steps to your day is a great way to get a little bit of extra exercise and give a boost to your overall health. These few simple tips can help add steps to your day without costing you anything or taking away large amounts of time from your daily obligations.
