Why Won't My Hair Grow, Straighten

Why Won’t My Hair Straighten

If you have naturally curled hair, it is going to take time to straighten them anyway. But, if they don’t straighten out at all, maybe there’s something wrong. Don’t just rush to the salon without finding out the exact cause. Here are some possible reasons.

1. You have thick volume hair.
2. Have either very dry or frizzy hair.
3. You’re not making a use of hair mousse, straightening balm or spray before using the flat iron.
4. You’re trying to straighten wet hair.
5. The flat iron is not of a quality brand.
6. The flat iron is set on low temperature.
7. Humid weather is also a possible cause.
8. You’re trying to straighten thick strands of hair, at once. Hair straightening requires patience and should be done taking small strands one by one.
9. The shampoo and conditioner may be the reason.
10. Hair is dry and damaged.

Why wont my hair grow

Do you like long hair and still don’t have them ? There are many reasons for your hair not to grow after a specific point, we can call it as saturation point. Some of the reasons for for why wont my hair grow are:

1. Biological Reasons. Eat good food and try to acquire required vitamins and protein.
2. Hair style. Curling your hair, over drying i not going to help in in hair growth.
3. Split hair. Get rid of them.
4. Blood circulation is not proper in scalp. Do head massage.
5. You keep your head/hair dirty. Clean them regularly.
6. You don’t give enough time to hair to grow more. Have patience.
