What Is Boat Camping

Boat camping is almost in the same category as car camping. The difference is that you are using a boat instead of a car to get around. Many people enjoy camping by boat for extended weekends or longer, and it is probably one of the easiest camping adventures you can experience.

Spending a day or more on the water is one of the most enjoyable experiences you can have, especially when combined with a night under the stars. The incredible sound of nature as the sun sets while preparing your camping food on a campground stove with a blazing campfire nearby.

You will be awakened at sunrise with the birds singing and signaling that a new and exciting day has arrived. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and an omelet cooking on the camping stove hastens you to another boating or fishing adventure. How can a combination of boating and tent camping possibly be surpassed?

Boat camping encompasses almost any boat you can imagine; canoes, kayaks, hard shell boats, inflatable boats and rafts. Due to the number of people starting to rough it (ha - ha) outdoors, you need to do a little planning before your camping trip. The majority of the National and State Parks only permit camping in certain areas. Some of these areas might not even be accessible by boat.

Boat camping on the California Delta would be an adventurous experience. The Delta has over 1000-miles of navigable water ways from Sacramento to Manteca. During the spring and fall, rangers and volunteers garner people for canoe camping trips from Brannan Island State Recreation Area on the weekends. Brannan Island is a 336-acre park with a swimming beach and windsurfing coves.

One other place to look for boat camping locations is Boating Life. This author personally called the 48 continental states looking for campgrounds accessible only by boat. His resulting list highlights some pristine untouched areas where you can enjoy camping - and people who don't own boats cannot.

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You do not need the dehydrated lightweight foods, unless you prefer to use it, and there is no need to economize on space like you do when backpacking. After getting the boat loaded and launched, there is not a lot of physical labor involved. It requires just a little more effort then driving to a campsite, but you do not have all the traffic to contend while getting to the campground site.

Expanded Boat Camping Gear List

This type of camping obviously requires a boat, and what kind of boat to take on your camping trip is the question. There are basically only two choices: an inflatable boat or a traditional boat. First, clear your mind of any ideas about an inflatable boat if you have not seen the ones built today. You can find extremely high quality inflatable boats for boat camping, sailing, fishing, canoeing and kayaking.

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There are many excellent and compelling reasons why an inflatable boat might be the right answer for you and your family, rather than the rigid hulled boats. Take a look at the articles on an inflatable boat - inflatable kayak.

The rest of the camping gear list is the same as the family car camping list. Boat camping gear is the same as family car camping, and that page has an excellent camping gear list with suggestions. But, since you are playing on the water, remember to bring resealable plastic bags and extra nylon stuff sacks.
