Excursion Tours vs Independent Traveller

A significant percentage of modern day travellers have one reason and one reason only for visiting a different country – weather.

Since the growth of package holiday tourism opened up the world to the common masses in the 1970s, people have been travelling to far flung places simply to soak up the sunshine. It’s a sad indictment of the modern traveller that many have no interest in the country or culture they are visiting, simply the amenities of the hotel they are staying in and how much sun they can expect.

However, there are still those who embrace the spirit of travellers of old. People who visit places to discover different cultures and traditions, sample exotic cuisines and survey breathtaking and breathtaking landscapes. To do this means leaving the hotel and setting off into the great unknown. But different people have varying levels of confidence and adventure, so what are the options available?

Exploring Travel Destinations by Organised Excursion

The safest and most sanitised way to explore a travel destination is by booking an organised excursion. These will generally cover all the most popular places of interest and are a relatively cheap way of getting to see different aspects of a new travel destination.

The downside is that organized excursions are akin to visiting a zoo. They don’t really offer travellers an authentic introduction to the place they are visiting. People on them are often herded about with little interaction with local residents and in reality only visit a few select places, some of which involve trying to ‘sell’ a product. The food dished up in local restaurants (often huge establishments) on organised excursions is by necessity mass-produced and invariably substandard.

Organised excursions have the benefit of a knowledgeable guide as part of the package so at least people who book them do learn something about the location they’re visiting, even if frequently some of the local information has been given a colourful makeover.

Hiring a Car to Explore a Travel Destination

There’s no denying that hiring a car opens up a world that organised excursions will rarely reach and allows the freedom of choice to explore at will. Car hire can be a relatively cheap way to discover hidden gems and visit towns and small restaurants off the beaten track, but there are a couple of points to consider. Driving in another country can be stressful. However, drivers who are confident at home are unlikely to have much of a problem driving in developed countries with good road networks.

Setting off on a magical mystery tour with no route plan isn’t the way to get the best out of car hire. Having a guidebook is essential.

Another thing to consider is who is going to do what? It is common to see men driving and women navigating when couples hire a car abroad. This is an arrangement destined to lead to arguments. Research has shown that many women struggle to read maps, so swapping roles may work out better for everyone.

Hiring a car in underdeveloped and third world countries may not really be a viable option for most people.

Using Public Transport to Explore a Travel Destination

One of the best ways to get a real feel for a country is to use its public transport network to get around. Getting on buses, trains, ferries, water taxis, rickshaws etc can be an adventure in itself and brings travellers into contact with real people. It’s also cheap way as prices are aimed at local people and not rich tourists. In third world countries, using public transport is probably more practical then hiring a car.

The downside to public transport is that in some places it’s just not particularly safe. Some safety practices can be questionable and catching a bus in India for example is potentially fraught with danger as crashes are not uncommon.

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Hiring a Local Guide/Driver

This is possibly the best option of all for travelling any distance, especially in under developed countries. Recommended local guides/drivers can be hired relatively cheaply and are a great way to explore locations and gain an insight into the local culture that even the best guidebook can’t provide. There can be an element of soft selling involved, but nothing like that which comes as part of an organised excursion. Hotel receptions should be able to provide the names of local guides and it’s also worth asking on travel review websites such as TripAdvisor for recommendations.

Exploring a Travel Destination on Foot

Ultimately the best way to explore a different country is to get out and about on foot. Walking around towns and cities reveals all kinds of discoveries (treasure trove shops, wonderfully atmospheric restaurants tucked away up side streets and enchanting parks) that would be overlooked by using any other means of transport. Walking is also the only way to experience the best of the countryside, especially if using reliable walking routes which will open up rural areas that most visitors to a country will never witness.