How Improved Customer Service Can Be Achieved With Right Attitude

Upset customers these days are a frequent phenomenon in call centers. A customer may have just gotten their credit card statement or electricity bill and perceived an error. This could be something as simple as an incorrect balance or questionable charge. Immediately the customer wants to take their frustration out on the first company representative that they come into contact with.

Two Ways of Approaching an Angry Customer

There are two ways for call center agents to approach this problem. The wrong way is to assume the customer is overreacting or is ignorant. The agent may take an attitude of barely masked condescension. In short, the call center agent meets aggression with aggression.

The right way is to respond to aggression with courtesy and politeness. Don’t treat the customer as though they're barely tolerated, but thank them for being candid.

Aggressive Behaviour Soon Gets Out of Hand

In a call center environment, a simple customer complaint can quickly escalate into a full-blown argument. Once the call center agent has responded to an aggressive or angry query by defaulting to a defensive attitude, the customer will respond in kind. Open warfare soon erupts.

A Quick Example of How Arguments Can Escalate

Here’s a quick example. A customer calls and demands to know why the balance on their credit card statement doesn’t add up. The balance is over by $300.00, and the customer is furious at being ‘ripped off’ by a big company.

The agent pulls up the statement and soon realises the mistake: there is a $300.00 transaction that could not be fitted on the first page of the statement. It’s on the second page, but easy to miss. Instead of remaining calm, the agent takes the customer’s anger as a personal attack.

‘You’re not listening to me,’ the agent says, exasperated, trying to explain the problem. ‘I don’t like the tone of your voice,’ the customer in turn replies. Soon enough the original query has been forgotten, and instead the focus for the customer is the call center agent’s rudeness.

The Best Way to Deal With an Angry Customer

What’s the best way to deal with this situation? Call center agents should be trained to understand that their best weapon is unfailing politeness and courtesy in the line of fire. A customer who is angry – whether justified or not – can quickly be placated by refusing to give out any ‘bait’ for such behaviour.

Furthermore, unbecoming behaviour is highlighted when a customer is rude but only receive a courteous and respectful response.

In the example above, the situation could have been quickly diffused by simply sympathising how difficult it can be to read modern day statements. The customer's frustration is real. Showing understanding and recognition of the customer's emotions can help to calm the situation down.

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Tips For Dealing With Aggressive Customers

Here are some other tips when dealing with upset customers:

- Thank the customer for their feedback. A 'thank-you' in response to outright hostility is unexpected. It disarms the customer and shows an open attitude to criticism.
- Offer sympathy for the time the customer had to be waste calling in the first place.
- Make some suggestions on how to more easily read the company's statements or bills.
- Wrap up the call by asking if there is anything else that can be done to help the customer with their account.
- Urge the customer to call back if there are any other queries.

Responding to aggression with courtesy and respect is a sure way of quickly diffusing a ticking bomb. Customers immediately feel their behaviour is unbalanced and erratic when the only response their anger elicits is politeness and courtesy.

Call center agent training that focuses on these principles will result in happier customers and agents who can manage difficult calls.