Oiran: Ladies Of Pleasure

Following the movie "Memoirs of the Geisha" one of the mainstream misconceptions has been that Geisha were Japan's feudal prostitutes/escorts. However, to put things back into perspective, Geisha were actually hired for their skills in the performing arts. It was the Oiran who sold their bodies for financial income.

If you have a look at the image above, you can compare their physical differences. The Oiran (on left) often wore more elaborate outfits and hairstyles. In comparison, Geisha wear more toned down outfits and simpler hair styles. However, a notable feature is that Oiran would wear their obi ("bows") at the front, whereas the Geisha wear theirs on the back.

Like the Geisha, Oiran candidates are taken in by brothel houses when they're children and apprenticed by an older woman. Now, before your alarm bells go off - this does not mean child prostitution. Rather, young girls are taught appropriate mannerisms and performing arts so that they would have other skills which may grant them the position of Oiran.

It's noteworthy to realise that Oiran are like a class of their own among the "Yujo" (women of pleasure). They are considered to be the best / top ranking women of their house. Then among the Oiran, the "Tayu" are considered to be the cr'me de la cr'me. Only high ranking men such as the Daimyo would be able to even hope of becoming their patrons.

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What sets the Oiran apart from the rest of the Yujo? Not only were they considered physically attractive, they were entertaining hostesses who were able to speak in witty poetry, sing/dance and paint beautiful calligraphy. Hence, it was a common practice for high ranking men to "buy out" an Oiran to be his mistress or in much rarer cases, his wife.

On a side note: in response to "Memoirs of a Geisha", in 2006 the film "Sakuran" was created to shed light on the Oiran's existence. It provides quite an interesting insight to what an Oiran's lifestyle could have been like.