Proven Tips To Get Started In Modeling

Many people wonder what an effective process is for breaking in to the modeling industry. It sometimes seems like a catch-22: Without a portfolio, agencies aren't interested in a model; without an agency, it can seem overwhelming building a portfolio.

The good news is that, with a little planning, it isn't hard to build a portfolio. The bad news is that it takes time.

Time for Prints

The easiest way to build a portfolio is to find a talented photographer who is just getting started. Many young photographers are willing to to work with unknown models using a process known as Time For Prints (TFP) or Time For CD (TFCD).

In TFP exchanges, no money is exchanged. The model's time and the photographer's time are bartered, and the photographer provides the model either with portfolio prints or a portfolio CD. Both parties benefit by creating good portfolio images.

Build Your Wardrobe

In order to interest photographers, a model must have an interesting wardrobe. Modeling wardrobes can be built relatively inexpensively by visiting second hand and vintage stores or buying pieces on sale.

Consider the type of modeling when buying clothes. A model wanting to work in high fashion needs to build a high fashion wardrobe. Someone wanting to work as a Gothic or punk model needs a genre appropriate wardrobe.

Build a Makeup Collection

A good selection of makeup is critical for most fashion modeling. Buying a number of different colors of mascara, blush, and eye shadow will allow the makeup to be tailored to the outfit. Good quality makeup photographs better and will require less post-processing by the photographer.

Network and Make Contacts

Make contacts with photographers, designers, and makeup artists (MUA) via well known modeling web sites. Good networking sites include One Model Place and Model Mayhem. Look through the listings for photographers and makeup artists to find people who work in the desired fashion genre.

Set Up Portfolio Shoots

Contact the photographers and makeup artists that work in the desired genre. Many are willing to do TFP work for new models. Models should always bring a friend or chaperon along on new shoots. Most photographers appreciate having a third party present to ensure the safety and comfort of the model.

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Before working with a photographer or makeup artist, be sure to ask to see their portfolio. It can also be a good idea to ask a photographer for references. Most photographers will be happy to provide personal and professional references before committing to a shoot.

Building an effective modeling portfolio isn't difficult. With a good investment in time, wardrobe, makeup and TFP shots, an agency ready portfolio can be had in a matter of a few months.