Tips To Become A Commercial Model

Modeling seems to be a glamorous career which not too many people can be a part of. Either they do not have the look or the height or they feel that it is out of their league. However, there is another side of modeling which is often overlooked. Many more people can be commercial models as different types of people and looks are needed in commercial modeling. Although, not as glamorous or as highly paid, commercial modeling can be much fun and helps with earning a little extra cash.

What are Commercial Models?

Commercial models are people used in many different types of ads in magazines, newspapers, catalogs, brochures, editorials, packaging, billboards, television ads, etc. They are the normal, everyday people used to sell products in ads. Commercial models can be people of different age groups, ethnic groups, body shapes and sizes who represent mothers, children, grandparents, professionals or whoever the ad is trying to portray. Although good looks help, they are not the criteria for commercial modeling.

What are the Criteria to Become a Commercial Model?

The general criteria to become a commercial model is to have the available time, to be motivated and have an outgoing personality and to have basic acting skills. A commercial model is acting out a role and needs to look like an idealized version of their role, whether it be mom, retiree, businessperson or doctor. Good self presentation skills will also help in getting work.

How do Commercial Models get Work?

Agents send photo sheets, known as composite sheets, of models to creative directors for upcoming ads. The creative directors decide on who looks the best for the part. Sometimes auditions also take place.

The best way to start in commercial modeling is to have a portfolio of photos taken, starting with head shots. These should be taken by professional photographers and it is best to get some practice in front of a camera first.

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Once you have your portfolio, look for a reputable and honest agent. Do some research and don’t rush into it. Usually the client hires an advertising agency to produce an ad. That ad agency hires a photographer, and either the creative director from the ad agency or the photographer hires the commercial model through the model’s agent.

Commercial models do not earn a fortune and most people do it to supplement their income. It is a flexible, fun part-time job, however there is no guarantee of steady work.