Why Turkey Is Perfect For Vacationing Honeymooners

Honeymoons are all about romance, relaxing, and memorable times. The country of Turkey allows honeymooners to do this in many ways other destinations cannot. In Europe one might not be able to afford a four star hotel - in Turkey they can.

While couples are enjoying their four star hotel they can sun bath on the beach. Turkey has miles and miles of sandy beaches stretched from the Aegean to the Mediterranean coasts. To enjoy the beaches the perfect time to go is May until late September the sun will shine all summer long with almost no rain. Perfect for the honeymooners to get tan.

When they are tired from lounging on the beaches, enjoy some of Turkey’s many historical sites. Two favorite historical places in Turkey are Pergamum and Ephesus. When visiting any historical site in Turkey it is best to hire a tour guide. The tour guide will provide tons of background information a travel guidebook does not.

Historic Places of Interest

Pergamum, an ancient city near today city of Izmir off the coast of the Aegean is filled with ruins. One of its famous ruins is the Sanctuary of Asclepius, dedicated to the God of healing. This was one of the world’s first hospitals.

Ephesus, another ancient city located twenty minutes from Kusadasi is an amazing historical site. When touring this city one can imagine what Rome looked like during the height of its power.

How to Shop

Honeymooners can find plenty of unique treasure to fill their house. Handmade silk and wool carpets with vibrant colors and patterns are the perfect purchase for their new home and one that will last a lifetime. In addition, handmade plates, jewelry, and leather apparel make great gifts.

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No matter what they buy in Turkey never, forget to barter. It can be intimating to do this at first. One might not want to insult the seller or scared one will be ripped off. The best way to start bartering is to ask the seller their price, then retort with a price a little less than half of what the seller gave. More than likely, the seller will come back with a slightly lower price than their original. If they still are not happy with price, try getting the seller to go lower. Do not let the seller use the emotional ploy. They will say, “Selling at this price, I didn’t make any money.” If they did not make money from the sale, they would not sell it. They would wait for someone else to come along. In the end of the bartering most sellers and buyers, find a middle price they both can agree.

Turkey is certainly a honeymooners vacation spot with all there is to do and see. Couples will not leave Turkey feeling they made a mistake by vacationing here. The dollar will stretch farther and filled with memories to last a lifetime.