Have a Romantic, Healthy Valentine's Day Dinner

Valentine's Day is often celebrated by indulging in a romantic dinner for two. Enjoy the love and romance of the evening without worrying about how it may affect your diet.

Begin the Day with a Workout

There is no better way to begin a day on a high note than to exercise. If you are able, get in a quick walk or run before heading off to work. If this is unrealistic given your schedule, take your sneakers to work and take a 20 minute walk during your lunch break. Fitting exercise in before a big night at a restaurant will make you feel slim and confident. It will also set the tone for making smart food choices.

Eat Sensibly on Valentine's Day

Though you may be tempted to starve yourself before a big night out, this is not the best diet strategy. Eat a sensible breakfast and a light lunch comprised of a lean protein, a vegetable, and fruit. Eating both breakfast and lunch is important. Arriving to dinner on an empty stomach will result in voracious bread eating and irrational menu choices.

Select Drinks Carefully

As you strategically plan your intake for the evening, remember to factor in the calories consumed in alcohol. Drinks made with mixers can be very high in calories. Instead, opt for a glass of heart healthy red wine, which averages about 75 calories per glass. Compare this to a margarita, which can weigh in at up to 540 calories for a 12 ounce glass, which is a standard size glass for this drink.

Order water with your wine. Make sure that you drink one glass of water per glass of wine. Doing so will help control your alcohol intake, which will ultimately lead to better judgment when ordering dinner and a more romantic evening with your mate.

Ordering Healthy Foods from Restaurant Menus

It can be difficult to navigate a restaurant menu. Usually there is no calorie count associated with menu items, and the Los Angeles Times recently reported that even if there is, it may be underestimated by up to 18%. In general, avoid cream sauces or fried dishes. Instead, choose grilled or baked fish and lean meats. If in doubt, ask the waiter about the ingredients. If the item is described as rich or heavy, steer clear. Items described as light and flaky are good ones to pursue.

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Enjoy Valentine's Day Dessert

Dessert may be forbidden on normal days, but Valentine's Day is a celebration. Allow an indulgence with your mate. Order a dessert that the two of you can enjoy together. Sharing a dessert will automatically limit your portion size, and it is romantic as well. A dessert made with dark chocolate is a good, heart healthy choice, but order what you want to and enjoy it. Taking in an indulgence once in a while helps control cravings and binges in the long run.

Have a Romantic Valentine's Day Dinner

Valentine's Day provides us with an opportunity to celebrate the love we have with our partners. Usually, this celebration involves a romantic dinner. Make smart, healthy choices so you can enjoy your meal without feeling stress or guilt.

Author Paul Nchemba
