Buying Groceries Online? Advantages of Food Home Delivery

Most of the major UK supermarkets, including Tesco, Sainsbury, Waitrose and Asda, offer a home delivery service. Everything that can be bought on a personal trip to the supermarket can also be bought online, but with much less trouble.

Advantages of Shopping for Groceries Online

Despite the fact that online grocery shopping in the UK has been around for some time now, there is still reluctance amongst some shoppers to try it. After all, the weekly or monthly shop at the local supermarket is ingrained into the domestic routine and changing such a tradition might seem impossible. It seems to be one of those dreaded necessities that everyone hates but there just isn’t any way round it. Well – now there is! The advantages of online grocery shopping are many.

-It is perfect for those working full-time, have small children, or are housebound through age or disability.
-Shop from the comfort of home or work with no rush or feeling of stress.
-No need to worry about finding a parking space at the supermarket.
-For those without a car, no more struggling with heavy bags on public transport.
-Charges for delivery are often cheaper than a taxi.
-No pushing a supermarket trolley with a mind of its own down crowded aisles accompanied by bored children or a petulant partner.
-The price of delivery will be offset by less impulse buying.
-More time to do the things that matter
-Less cars on the road so environmentally sound.

How to Buy Online Groceries - A Step-by-Step Guide

Here are some tips to get started with online supermarket shopping.

Which supermarket? – The first thing a potential shopper must do is to find out which supermarkets will deliver to their postcode. Each supermarket website will have a relevant box where the postcode is entered. The supermarket will then hopefully confirm that there is a delivery service in that area. If not, try another supermarket.

Create an Account – Creating an account is an easy step, allowing the user to log in with a personal password. Past shopping lists are stored on the account, along with favourite items and any points collected on loyalty cards.

Start to Shop – Once signed in, the customer can go to the relevant grocery section tabs or search box and begin shopping. As the list is added to, it will be visible on the screen, along with prices and the running total.

Book a Delivery Slot – The customer has the option to choose from a list of available delivery times and prices. Delivery prices may vary according to time of day. Quite often early morning or late evening will be cheaper.

The Checkout – After booking the delivery slot go to the virtual checkout. Here chosen payment details are securely entered and the total amount due is displayed. Once payment is made an e-mail will be sent to the customer confirming the time of delivery and the goods ordered. It is still possible to add forgotten items to the list even after the checkout stage.

Shopping for Groceries Online – What to Expect on Delivery

The first-time customer of online grocery shopping will be like a cat on hot bricks waiting for that initial delivery – but usually, give or take the occasional blip, everything is under control. The driver will bring the items to the kitchen area on a trolley and, unless the customer is disabled or infirm, will normally expect help to unpack the items.

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The original shopping list will be handed over to the customer and a signature will be required for the driver’s records. If any items have been substituted because the originals were unavailable at the time of packing, the driver will point these out so that the buyer can give them back if need be. However, there is no need to accept substitutes - your on-line form gives you the choice. The whole procedure should take no more than ten minutes.

So perhaps it’s time to exchange the chaos, queues, stress and exhaustion of the real supermarket for the calm, stress-free world of the virtual supermarket. This is the kind of technology that really can make life a lot easier.

Author Paul Linus
