Developing Great Media Interview Questions

To make a radio or television show interesting questions should be open-ended and inspire conversation that will engage the audience as well as promote the author’s book. This may include controversial questions, applications that help people change, or questions that are ones for which many people want answers.

Set Goals Before Crafting Questions

The Q and A format of media interviews works well if the guest knows what he or she wants to say. Consider what stories you want to share, information you want to provide, or talking points to make that will engage listeners. Make these goals to reach through questions.

Also consider how questions can bring out reasons to cause people to think they need the book. This can be done with motivating people to agree with statements or questions. For a how to book, a question of "Why do people need to overcome the problem?"or "what are signs that show someone needs help?" let the author ask several short reflective questions, such as "If you find yourself..." or "You know you need help if..."

Design questions that showcase the book and it's unique contents and give the author the opportunity to list benefits for readers.

Types of Questions

Basic introductory questions relate to the author, such as "Why did you write this book?" Those are good if there's a personal testimony or story behind the book. These questions help the reader get to know the author as a person and helps readers want to connect on social networks.

Questions about reader benefits open the way to bring up the book's talking points or main features. These may start with, "What's one of the most important things people need to know about...?" Or "What are three steps to help someone struggling with...?"

Controversial questions open up discussions of the pros and cons regarding a subject. For any topic, consider the arguments against it and differing opinions to develop thought provoking questions. This allows an author to state the case for his or her perspective and persuade people to buy the book and examine the evidence the book presents.

Questions that elicit stories that touch hearts or make people laugh grab interest. These allow an author to share stories relevant to the book's topic. The stories must be told briefly. like compilation stories.

Questions that cause people to relate to the topic may be ones asking about statistics, prevalence of a problem, or unknown, but amazing facts.

Questions about the future, such as what's next for the author, or what are new techniques in the topic's area cause people to want to know more and want the author back for another interview.

Questions to summarize talking points allow the author one final pitch to convince people to buy the book. Asking "What should people do now?" or "What's the first thing people can do? lets the author sum up the book's main message.

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Motivational Words

Inclusive language, hopeful promises, and inspiring encouragement motivate people to want a book. High-powered words that energize and encourage people put a positive spin on the topic.In designing questions prepare to answer them with great phrases, illustrations, and encouragement that the book will be useful. Questions can provide keys to developing a hook to grab media interest if they reveal they will generate good, relevant discussion.

Preparing a dozen or so questions allows an author to use a range of pointed questions and gives the host a choice of discussion topics to focus on what the listening audience enjoys most.

Author Twinkle Brar
