Home Security Tips for Business Travelers

When leaving on a corporate travel trip, don't forget to make arrangements to make sure your home stays secure. Follow these tips for keeping a home safe and secure while the homeowners are away.

Securing Your Home Before Traveling for Business

According to HomeSecurity.org, more than 2.1 million burglaries took place last year in the United States. The average cost per homeowner or renter was in excess of $1,900, not including increases in insurance premiums.

Fortunately, some steps can be taken to prevent burglaries from happening.

Home Security Tips from the Experts

Before leaving for a business trip, take time to evaluate the home and ensure that it is as secure as possible. Make sure all doors and windows have functioning locks, and use them. In addition, hedges should be trimmed (especially around windows) so as not to provide a hiding place for potential burglars.

Personal security expert and blogger Robert Siciliano says outdoor lights on a timer are preferable to motion sensor lights. Motion sensors, he says, sometimes “ghost” and give the impression that someone is there when they aren’t.

Security service ADT lists a number of pointers on its Web site to keep a home secure while the occupants are traveling, including the following.

-Keep the garage door locked at all times, preferably with a deadbolt lock.
-Spare keys should not be kept in mailboxes, under doormats or above doorways.
-Part curtains slightly to prevent the home from looking empty.
-Put mail and newspapers on hold to prevent them from accumulating. Locked mailboxes with ample storage space are a good option for frequent travelers.
-Use automatic timers for indoor lights, radio and televisions to provide visual and audible deceptions, preferably at random or programmed intervals to make it look like someone is home.
-Valuables in and around the home should be documented for homeowner insurance claim purposes. Write a list, take photos or videotape high-value items. Store the documents away from the home, such as in a security box at the bank. In addition, travelers may want to make several copies and ask a trusted friend or family member to store them.

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Home Security Evaluation for Preventing Home Burglary

Many home security service providers offer free home security evaluations, which can let homeowners know what areas of their home might be targeted by burglars. In addition, local police departments can provide advice about home security and safety.

Home security begins long before the airplane takes off or train departs. Take measures ahead of time to keep the home safe while traveling for business.

Author Paul Linus
