Lindsay Lohan: Alcohol, Addiction and Responsibility

Lindsay Lohan, American actress and pop star has been sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in a rehabilitation facility following non-compliance of her probation terms. Beverly Hills judge Marsha Revel declared Miss Lohan in violation of probation for her 2007 DUI conviction for failing to attend court-ordered alcohol education classes and sentenced her to 90 days in jail and 90 days 90 days of in-patient rehabilitation. Miss Lohan had broke down in court, proclaiming her diligent attempts at adherence to her probation terms. Despite her pleas Judge Revel sided with Prosecutor Danette Myers who maintained that Miss Lohan had failed to fulfill her probationary obligations and responsibilities. This latest event is the culmination of a series of events which have derailed a once promising young stars career.

The Beginning: Modeling and a Promising Acting Start

Lindsay Lohan was born on July, 2 1986 in New York City to Michael and Donata (Dina) Lohan (referenced to TheBiographyChannel ). Signing with the Ford Modeling agency at the young age of 3 Lindsay seemed destined to stardom from a very early age. The Disney remake of The Parent Trap had her playing both sisters and garnered nominations for numerous 'newcomer' awards. In 2004 she appeared opposite Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky Friday, a family comedy movie which has a mother/ daughter body switch theme. The film earned $160 million world wide and won Miss Lohan the MTV 2004 Music Awards Breakthrough Performance Award. Despite critical acclaim and a promising beginning Lindsay would struggle with personal and family problems which today threaten to derail her career.

Time Line of Trouble: Lindsay Lohan Spirals

Lindsay's problems are well documented by television and print media. Her partying has been documented by paparazzi and has not enhanced her image or helped her plight when in court. MTV provides an extensive list of her many legal troubles, following are some highlights.

-Feb,. 2005: Eddie Pamilton and Ilex Harris file a personal injury suit against Lindsay Lohan claiming the actress injured them in a traffic accident that took place the year before.
-Oct., 2005: Miss Lohan is transported to a hospital after the car she is driving crashes into another car in West Hollywood, CA.
-Jan., 2006: In a Vanity Fair interview Lindsay admits to having Bulimia, the eating disorder disease.
-May, 2007: Miss Lohan is arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence
-July, 2007: Less than 2 weeks after leaving a rehab facility Lindsay is arrested on five counts, including driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on a suspended license and possession of narcotics.
-April, 2010: Miss Lohan is asked to leave the film "The Other Side". The director refers to her as not 'bankable'.
-July, 2010: Lindsay Lohan is ordered to serve 90 days in jail and 90 days in a rehab facility following probation violations.

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Responsible, Rational Behavior: Personal Responsibility for Actions

We admitted we are powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable. So reads the first step of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous , the first of many 12 step organizations created to aid people with addictions and afflictions. Lindsay Lohan has been a patient in several rehab centers and reportedly attended 12 step meetings (Reuters news agency reports since age 20)and has surely been exposed to the concept of admission of a problem and the need to accept responsibility for her actions.

Lindsay seems ignorant of the grave consequences her actions may result in. On July, 6 2010 when Miss Lohan appeared before Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel she did so with a middle finger nail that had a profane message (see the picture at TV Guide ). Coupled with a bracelet monitoring device alert for alcohol consumption Miss Lohan seems determined to thumb her nose at the court and continue a spiral to self destruction. Her many fans and adorers via comments in articles referenced her as well as countless others hope that Lindsay will fulfill her ambitious beginnings, pull out of this descent and once again become a promising star.

Author Paul Linus
