Newspaper Ads Remain an Effective Way to Reach Customers

From auto dealers to specialty retailers, small business can use newspaper ads to encourage local consumers to visit and shop at their business. Despite declining readership, the Newspaper Association of America indicates 48% of adults read the newspaper on an average weekday and 54% on Sundays. Daily papers provide small businesses with timely delivery of their promotions and allow business owners to target delivery to their strongest customer prospects.

As online and social media marketing continues to grow, newspapers remain the number one source of coupons for consumers looking to save on their next purchase. It also is the number one advertising medium for auto dealers. Consumers continue to use the newspaper as a shopping guide or to find bargains on items.

Clear Objectives Essential for Effective Newspaper Ads

Before creating a newspaper ad, take time to determine what the objective is of the advertisement. Whether the newspaper advertisement will be used to highlight an upcoming event or to offer a discount off a new product, defining an objective allows business owners to measure the success of the advertisement. A clear objective also provides a visual and copy focus the newspaper advertisement.

Elements of Effective Newspaper Ads

Effective newspaper ads should be visually interesting, contain a compelling headline and have a persuasive call-to-action. Attention-grabbing logos, interesting photographs and colorful illustrations draw attention while headlines effectively convey a business promotion or message. Before creating a newspaper ad, take the time to read through the newspaper the ad will be placed in. Take note of any advertisements that stand out.

Beyond the visual design of an effective newspaper ad, the copy should inspire customers to take action. The headline should stand out, be relatively short and focus on customer benefits the small business provides. The advertisement body copy should be short and easy to read. Since space is often limited, make every word count.

Elements of Effective Print Ad
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A call-to-action provides customers with the action to take to find out more or to take advantage of the special offer featured in the advertisement. Call to actions might encourage customers to stop in to receive a 10 percent discount or to call to make an appointment for a free consultation.

Newspaper ads remain an effective way for small businesses to spread the word about business promotions, services or product offerings. Businesses catering to a local market can benefit by using newspaper ads as part of their marketing mix. From coupons to promoting special customer events, customers still turn to newspapers to find local information and bargains.

Author: Editorial Department
