Papua New Guinea Hit By Powerful Earthquake

29 March 2018 -

Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea was rocked with a massive earthquake of 6.9 magnitude on Friday, at around 5:25 pm local time, potentially generating small tsunami waves.

About a month ago similar deadly earthquake of 7.5 magnitude killed 125 people and injured many in the island. Four of the oil and gas fields were temperorily shut down.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the epicenter of the quake was in a remote area of East New Britain province. It was 21 kilometers deep and 162 kilometers soutwest of Rabaul. No injuries or damage have been reported.

It was followed by two successive smaller tremors of 5.3 and 5.1 magnitudes. Both were 35 kilometers deep.

Papua New Guinea sits on the Pacific's Ring of Fire. It has a population of 7 million and located east of Indonesia.

Moments before a separate 5.8 magnitude earthquake hit 43 kilometers west of Honiara at around 6.51 am local time. It was 10 kilometers deep.

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Honiara is capital of the Solomon Islands.

The entire region is remote and mountainous. This restricts immediate information of damage to reach officials and aid agencies.

Source 1: Earthquake off Papua New Guinea sparks local tsunami warning
Source 2: Papua New Guinea earthquake: Strong tremor off New Britain island

Fact Factory

  • Countries with coastlines bordering the Pacific Ocean make up the Pacific Ring of Fire, the world's most volcanic and earthquake-prone area. It stretches 40,000 km along the Pacific Coasts of South, Central and North America; Russia; Japan; Indonesia and New Zealand. [know more]

Author John Muroto
