Pros and Cons of Outsourcing IT Services

The term “outsourcing” is a new procedure that has come into existence since technology completely transformed the American way of conducting business. Many large corporations have transferred their customer care and service programs overseas to countries such as Asia, Mexico and India because of cheaper labor standards. Although the labor to pay these workers is much cheaper, the quality of service remains the same and it allows the company to focus on strengthening and building their company financially and spatially.

From help desks, payroll systems, data entry, human resources and more, many large businesses are taking a liking to outsourcing. However, IT services are one system that takes a majority of the outsourced jobs in foreign countries. Like with every business choice, there are pros and cons of outsourcing IT services.

The Pros of Outsourcing Your IT Services

One of the biggest advantages of outsourcing IT services is the lower personnel costs. Full-time employees that perform these services within a company usually require standard pay raises, retirement plans, medical, dental and vision benefits and other outlying benefits that come with being a permanent employee.

Outsourcing these services also allows the company and owners to free up space in the building and office area, not only with employees but also computer systems and other equipment. This freeing up of space also allows the company to find other important uses for the area where the IT service team would reside. Productivity would also increase with outsourced computer services, as well as increased company efficiency.

The Cons of Outsourcing Your IT Services

To make a balanced decision, consider the disadvantages of outsourcing. One of the most important cons of outsourcing is that there will be a loss of local jobs. Considering the current economic climate, there are many cities across the United States that are hurting for jobs in every spectrum, including IT. By paying less for these services for someone to perform them in another country, the company could be employing workers from the region in which the business resides in. It is then up to the company’s owners to take this element into consideration when hiring the IT service team.

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A slow response time is another disadvantage to consider when outsourcing these IT services. Because these service people are working in another time zone, it may be difficult to get a hold of them, or there may be delays in the time it takes to complete tasks. Not only will the employees of the business be affected by this, but also customers.

Foreign workers, although they might be fluent in the English language, may have strong accents that are difficult to understand. Pay close attention to these elements before considering outsourcing services. The last thing a business wants to compromise is customer service.

Author Twinkle Brar
