Proven Tips: How to Date With Confidence

Whether someone is in an established relationship or it's time to date new people, self-confidence is essential in order to find the best match. Feeling a sense of security in a person's own skin can help someone discover whether or not the date is a good match. It is a freeing experience that enables someone to relax and enjoy a healthy dating life.

Self-Acceptance Crucial to Date Confidently

Start out by taking stock of personal attributes. Jot down traits and qualities in as many aspects of life as possible, including educational level, career, skills, positive personality traits, positive physical traits and anything else that is positive. Add quirky traits and fun idiosyncrasies that show uniqueness. Try to think as though someone else is writing this list and include qualities others have mentioned.

Once the list is made, read it frequently – at least once a day. Stand in front of a mirror and recite the list aloud for positive affirmation. This list is not concrete, and new traits can be added.

Growth Opportunities Help Boost Self-Confidence

Instead of thinking of any personal traits as bad, look at them as growth opportunities. Whether it's time to go on a diet or the job doesn't meet expectations, viewing the status quo as bad depletes self-confidence. Growth opportunities, on the other hand, give a person something to work toward and look forward to.

Growth opportunities that can help self-confidence:

-Update or change a hairstyle.
-Get a more flattering wardrobe, starting with one outfit and building on it.
-Learn a new skill for better employment opportunities.
-Improve the diet and start exercising.
-Take a class for fun.
-Wake up fifteen minutes or a half hour earlier for some prayer or meditation time.
-Find a new way to socialize, such as hosting a casual dinner party, joining a bowling league or meeting friends at a dance club.

Instead of making changes at someone else's request, do it for personal fulfillment. As positive changes are made, add them to the list of personal attributes.

Look for Traits in Others When Dating

Most people look for certain traits in others they want to date. Bring them out of the recesses of your mind and jot them down. Confident people know what they want and need in a relationship. Is it important for the other person to love animals? For someone who volunteers at an animal shelter or who takes in stray cats, it is.

Other traits that may have a bearing on a relationship:

-Faith issues
-Smoking or nonsmoking
-Views on alcohol
-Whether or not the person wants children
-Importance of career
-Hobbies and sports

Although a person may bend on some issues if positive traits are strong enough to overcome the negatives, having a list provides a starting point. It also brings to light what may make or break a relationship.

Start Dating

Armed with self-confidence, it's time to get out there and start dating. Having a strong sense of self and knowing what is needed in a relationship make dating more fun and purposeful. When someone expresses expectations that can't be met, a confident person will know when to put her foot down and move on. If things don't work out, don't be afraid to let go.

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Someone who feels good about herself won't stick around in a relationship with someone who belittles her, tries to change her to meet his needs or does anything to dismantle her confidence. A confident person who has taken stock of her own positive traits and knows what to look for in others will eventually attract someone who accepts and loves her for who she is. Finding a healthy dating relationship is essential for a person to maintain self confidence.

Date with confidence by employing self-acceptance techniques and inviting growth opportunities. Look for specific qualities in others to complement personal traits, and then start dating with confidence.

Author Twinkle Brar
