Signs of Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction ruins lives. It not only affects the life of the addict but it can be devastating to the addict's loved ones. Heroin is an insidious killer, seducing the user deeper and deeper into its grip until it becomes the focus of the victim’s life. In a perfect world, heroin wouldn’t be a problem. However, it’s not a perfect world so prevention and recovery are the best weapons against this evil killer. Heroin addiction can be detected with knowledge and vigilance. Some emotional signs of heroin addiction include:

-lack of emotional response to emotionally charge situations
-spiritual practices such as church ceases
-lack of focus on goals and hobbies
-relationships with others suffer
-finances become a shambles
-loss of job or interest in schools

The onset of the above symptoms appears when the addiction process is in its early stage. Intervention at this stage has better results than after the addiction is in full force.

Physical Signs of Heroin Addiction

Physical indications of heroin abuse are more pronounced than emotional signs. Heroin slows the body’s metabolism, causing a sedated appearance. Chronic heroin use can result in total organ system shut down. Detecting heroin abuse by physical signs can be achieved if the signs are known. Physical signs of heroin abuse:

-runny nose
-dilated pupils
-unkempt appearance
-finding empty capsules
-finding syringes and spoons with burnt areas on bottom
-strange residue in coffee grinder
-suddenly borrowing or spending large sums of money
-valuables start disappearing
-traces of blood on shirts and pants
-wearing long sleeve shirts in hot weather

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Dangers of Heroin Addiction

Addiction to heroin can result in serious health problems and death. The impurities can cause skin abscesses at injection sites. Injecting the drug can lead to blood born diseases such as hepatitis C and B and HIV. Repeated injection can lead to renal damage. The lack of hygiene can lead to issues related unhealthy habits.

Treatment of Heroin Addiction

Before treatment of heroin addiction can began, detox must be performed. Medical supervision during the detox is required. After detox, the addict should be admitted to an inpatient rehab facility. The root causes of the addiction should be addressed. Group and individual sessions can be beneficial in treating underlying emotional issues. With the introduction of comfort drugs the discomfort of withdrawal and post withdrawal can be minimized. However, they are recommended for short term use only, due to their addictive nature. Unlike other drug addictions, heroin causes a rapid decline in health and emotional well being. The sooner the addict begins treatment the better.

Author Paul Linus
