Tibet, Dalai Lama, Panchen Lama - Know the Facts

Modern Tibet remains mired in political and social repression for the ethnic Tibetan. They are not allowed to show signs of rebellion or desire for independence. Merely saying “Tibet is independent” or “Long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama” are criminal offenses. It is illegal to possess an image of the Dalai Lama or the Tibetan national flag and so doing can lead to a seven-year jail sentence. The Tibetan people have been described as “helpless and frustrated” with their current situation.

Historical Significance of the Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama was a title presented to the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people by the Mongol King Altan Khan in 1578. This congress established a mutually beneficial relationship between the Dalai Lamas and Khans.

Tibetans believe that the title of Dalai Lama passes through a process of reincarnation. The current active Dalai Lama is the 14th reincarnation of the original and has been exiled since 1959 to the Tibetan Reception Centre in Dharamsala, India.

Exile and Admiration in India

The Dalai Lama continues to champion his desire for a shift in the situation in Tibet. He has stated that he does not desire immediate Tibetan independence but rather a Middle-Way approach towards a new Tibetan nation.

In 1989, the Dalai Lama received the Nobel Peace Prize for using peaceful methods to restore his nation’s independence. This recognition caused the Chinese government to proclaim the Dalai Lama an “international gangster.”

In 1991, China began to make public their concession that the Dalai Lama could return home to Tibet if he stopped fighting for the nation – a condition that was unacceptable for the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama has proposed a plan where Tibetans within the TAR, as well as those in exile, should be polled to determine whether they wish for him to return to his home; the Chinese government has not agreed.

A Tibetan citizen told Dhondup Wangchen, “If the Dalai Lama were to return, I’d be so happy I’d be prepared to jump in the river and die,” but the Dalai Lama believes he will die in exile.

Status of the Panchen Lama

The reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, second in importance to the Dalai Lama, vanished 15 years ago.

Gendun Choeki Nyima was selected at age five for his position and the Tibetan people say the Chinese police stole him and his family. China recently proclaimed that the Panchen Lama is living in peace with his family in Tibet and does not want to be disturbed; the Chinese claims cannot be proven.

China’s Hand in the Panchen Lama

After Nyima disappeared, China named its own Panchen Lama, Gyaltsen Norbu. Most Tibetans do not believe Norbu to be a reincarnation of the original Panchen Lama. Norbu was recently appointed to a senior position on a main Chinese government advisory group and China hopes that this elevated status will decrease the influence of the Dalai Lama. It is hoped that Norbu will validate a pro-China choice of the Dalai Lama’s successor.

Who is Dalai Lama – Brief Biography, Commitments, Books
History of Dalai Lama

China has historically played the Panchen Lama and Dalai Lama against each other in order to further the Chinese influence.

Tibetan independence is a cause championed by celebrities and common people throughout the world. China has many historical reasons for what they have done. Until a separate nation has been formed, people across the world will continue to investigate the plight of the Dalai Lama and his people.

Author Sunil S.
