Ultimate Africa Tour Destination In Kenya

There are a few places on earth where beauty and nature seem to be in tandem with each other. These places are normally tour destinations where wonderful things abound and dreams seem to magically come true. Places like Africa, contrary to what the world media might seem to suggest, is one such place where people go and come back to recount glorious tales.

Those born and living out of Africa hear talk of what a glorious tour destination Africa is, but it is not until they experience it for themselves do they fully understand and appreciate what this talk really means. There is, arguably, no place like Africa when it comes to its wealth of tour attractions. The story goes that people who are looking for the ultimate tour destination, Africa presents the ultimate place to go. Specifically, East Africa offers one of the most complete tour packages anywhere in the continent.

Setting off on an Africa Tour Destination

Africa tour destinations are generally recognized as awe inspiring. They are places where people let go and unwind in the most serene of environments, where people look and nature’s raw beauty surrounds them every where. Every evening people's eyes fill with tears as they witness the most beautiful of tropical sunsets anywhere, and at night the innumerable celestial stars in the night sky spectacularly twinkle, ever so beautifully. The gentle African breeze blows all the cares in the world away and the rich African rhythms lovingly caress and massage people's spirits, readying them to live their dreams.

Only in Africa will people take a safari of the Great wilderness and get to experience the unparalleled thrill of seeing the big five wild animals roaming freely in the expansive and untamed African plains, living under their own rules. Visitors of Africa also get blown away by the monumental pyramids in the north, beautiful white sand beaches in the South, historical slave ports in the west, majestic River falls and Mountains in Central Africa and world famous game parks in the East. It is simply mind boggling when travelers discover all that an Africa tour can offer them. The thought of booking a tour ticket to Africa is therefore almost equivalent to booking a ticket to a paradise destination tucked away somewhere on the planet.

Kenya’s East Africa Tour Package

Kenya is the socio-economic and political power house of East Africa and perhaps the best example of a prime Africa tour destination. Apart from the obvious strategic importance of the country to the continent, Kenya boasts of some of the best tour attractions in the continent. For people who are seriously looking for the ultimate Africa tour experience, this is one place they can be sure to have their expectations met. It is famed as a magical place and a paradise on earth. People travel from near and far just to get a slice of paradise on earth offered here.

In Kenya, tourists will find one of the most complete Africa tour packages available in the continent. Whether they are looking for the ultimate wildlife Safari, Birding Safari, Beach Safari, Adventure Safari or Cultural Safari, they will find it all here. They are particularly spoilt for choice when it comes to visiting the world’s finest wildlife sanctuaries. This is because visitors have the option of visiting Nairobi National park, the only game park within a city in the world, the Abadare National park or the internationally acclaimed Masai Mara National park, among several other game reserves. In these parks tourists get the kick of setting off in to the African wilderness in search of the big cats that wonder about the plains.

Visitors who plan their trip well should witness Kenya's number one tour attraction, the world’s last great epic of life and death, and experience a sensory thrill like no other in the form of the great wildebeest migration. They will watch, smell and hear the millions of wildebeests (over 1.3 million) make their annual migration across the Serengeti and cross the deadly, swollen, crocodile infested Mara River. This is the single most remarkable epic display of nature's life and death cycle people can ever witness. It is difficult to capture in words the life and feeling of this epic episode.

Featured Expos & Fairs
Kenya Homes Expo (12-15 April 2018)

The Eastern Boundary of Kenya comprises of an unbroken strip of the Indian Ocean turquoise waters, which provide the best beach safari experience available. A cultural Safari of Kenya will have visitors encounter some of the most remarkable tribes in the continent, including the Masai and Swahili speaking people, whose cultural heritage are sure to blow anyone away. A birding safari will take tourists from The Great Rift Valley, where millions of flamingos congregate and provide a breathtaking scenery as they swarm the Great Rift valley lakes, to the wild Kenyan plains where the world’s largest birds, Ostriches, can be found.


Some tour destinations are indeed more than the stuff of marvelous dreams. They are real places that meet all and more of what people expect. Africa presents the best of such tour destinations. People only live once and enjoying the finer things that life has to offer makes life worth living. Therefore, when planning the next tour destination, why not consider an Africa tour destination.

Author Twinkle Brar
