10 Good Reasons to Travel with Kids

So many people think they can't travel with kids, and this is a real shame. One of the best gifts you can give your children is the experience of travel.

There are almost countless reasons to travel with kids, be it for the bonding experience or for the amazing learning their young sponge-like minds get from seeing things in context instead of school books.

Forget the excuses why you can't travel with your kids. Yes, it can be hard. Is it that easy parenting at home? Yes, it costs money. But, believe it or not, you can afford it.

Instead of thinking about reasons why you can't travel, here are the top 10 reasons you should travel with your kids. (Print this, and clip it to the fridge or, better yet, a piggy bank, as a reminder):

You will make your kids happy

I can hardly think of a better reason than this. Kids love to travel! It's exciting. It's cool. It's better than going to school.

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Your kids will get exercise

In this day and age of childhood obesity, travel provides your children with the chance to get out of the house and walk around. They can sprint up the steps of a stately museum, or climb to the top of a historic lighthouse.

Kids learn more in person

Your kids can read endless stuffy textbooks, and never truly understand the awe of a live elephant, or the majesty of a gothic cathedral. They will remember what they learn while traveling, because it is more significant and life-sized.

You get face time with the kids

Hey, we're all guilty of being too distracted and busy to focus on our kids. At home, everything is about work, keeping house, paying bills and other non-kid-friendly concerns. While traveling, you get some wonderful one-on-one time with your children.

Kids become more open-minded

When kids are only exposed to a small world view, they become limited and close-minded adults. Expose them to various cultures and experiences, and they will realize there is so much more to the world than their small corner of it.

You get to see the world through a child's eyes

It amazes me how many things I don't notice about the world until my daughter points them out. Even if you traveled constantly before having children, you truly haven't traveled until you've watched your own kid stare up in amazement to the top of the Eiffel Tower or the Sears Tower.

It isn't as hard as you think it is

Don't get me wrong. It isn't easy lugging strollers, diaper bags, whining kids, and so on along on a trip. When it boils down to it, though, it really isn't all that hard. Kids are quite adaptable, and they are quickly able to adjust to new surroundings and routines.

It doesn't have to be expensive

You don't have to wait until you can afford that trip around the world to travel with your kids. Start small. Each Saturday, take a daytrip to a nearby town. Work your way up to long weekends a couple hundred miles away. Then, when your annual vacation comes, don't spend it at home scrapbooking. Go somewhere fabulous!

You are giving your kids wonderful memories

You are also giving this gift to yourself. Children will cherish memories of your travels for a lifetime. What do you remember better? Days spent at home in front of the TV as a kid, or that special family vacation.


You are raising a globe-trotter

I always feel sad when I meet someone who has rarely left their home town. Aspire for more for your children. If you travel often with your children, they will grow up yearning to travel, understanding all the intensity (both good and bad) of travel, and seeking out their own travel adventures with your future grandchildren.

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