Maldives Aims For Carbon Neutral by 2020

The Maldives is one of the most at-risk countries if predicted sea level rise occurs. Much of the country is less than two meters above present Indian Ocean sea level. Even the most conservative estimates of 0.3 meters per century is likely to cause serious loss of landmass in the Maldives.

Indian Ocean Island Nation Prepares for Climate Change Effects

Taking advantage of the revenue the country receives from the holiday resort trade, Mohamed Nasheed, the president of the Maldives announced a year ago that a portion of its tourist revenue would be set aside to buy new homeland in the event that sea level rise forced the nation’s citizen to leave.

Taking it to the next level, Nasheed has brought in experts Chris Goodall and Mark Lynas from the UK to help develop a plan for making the Maldives carbon neutral by 2020. Given their perilous status should climate change predictions become reality, it is not surprising that the people of the Maldives are committed to reducing their carbon footprint.

The plan includes wind turbines, solar panels and the use of coconut husks in a biomass plant to provide the energy the country requires, as well as changing to electric vehicles. The developers admit that there are likely to be problems along the way as the clean energy systems are put in place.

Maldives as Holiday Destination Makes Carbon Neutrality Difficult

Despite being one of the lowest emitters of greenhouse gases, the Maldives must take into account the number of long haul airline flights arriving on the islands in their effort to erase their carbon footprint. People taking holidays to the Maldives are the primary source of income for the island nation.

Goodall and Lynas propose the purchase of European Union emissions permits. As a voluntary member of the scheme, the Maldives will not add any further permits into the system but will use their permits to for carbon offsetting, essentially balancing long haul flight emissions on paper.

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Other At-Risk Nations Urged to Set Carbon Neutral Goal

No one claims that this is an ideal solution, but even with that compromise, the people of the Maldives are making a much greater investment in the environment than most nations. President Nasheed attempted to draw other countries which are also vulnerable to the effects of climate change into similar commitments.

Unfortunately the best he was able to achieve was an agreement to work toward carbon neutrality. The other countries, including Bangladesh where each year serious flood damage occurs, are also very low greenhouse gas emitters. Representatives from those nations insist that developed countries do more rather than placing the burden on those who contribute the least to the problem and face the most risk.

Author Twinkle Brar
