Aliens Living On Venus: NASA

NASA | 1 April 2018:

There could be aliens on our neighboring planet Venus, suggests science lately. Earlier too studies showed it had a habitable climate sporting liquid water for about two billion years in past.

According to scientists extra-terrestrial microbes may survive in the cooler clouds of Venus, the Earth's evil twin.

The researchers of international team of scientists have detected mysterious dark patches in the clouds of Venus and those resemble light-absorbing properties of bacteria found on Earth.

The planet is incredibly inhospitable due to its rocky surface, sulphuric acid rain and double the temperature of maximum setting in a kitchen oven.

Study co-author David J Smith from NASA's Ames Research Center said extra-terrestrial microbes may survive there by being blown around with winds of Venus in the cooler cloud tops.

Smith cites that organisms like bacteria on been found alive at higher altitudes of 25 miles of Earth.

Seeing Venus

Venus is radiant. Named after the Goddess of Love, Venus shines brighter than any other planet in the sky. Only the sun and moon can shine brighter than Venus. The planet is sometimes referred to as the Evening Star or Morning Star because of its brilliant appearances at dawn and dusk.

The Atmosphere on the Goddess of Love

Venus's thick atmosphere is what makes the planet so bright. The thick cloud cover can be seen well in photos of the planet. The white reflective clouds give Venus a high albedo. Venus is also the closest planet to Earth, which contributes to its brightness factor relative to the other planets. Venus is generally considered a yellow or white planet.

Spacecraft Missions to Venus

The first look below the cloud deck of Venus came from the Russian Venera spacecraft of the early '80s. The longest any of the Venera probes survived on Venus was two hours and 7 minutes, until it was crushed by the vicious surface pressure, which is 92 times stronger than that of Earth's at sea level. The spacecraft Magellan also supplemented our knowledge of Venus's surface. It carried out a four-year radar-mapping mission, providing details of the plains, craters, ridges, and other formations. The most notable surface features on Venus are Ishtar Terra and Aphrodite Terra, highland regions that are the site of extinct volcanic flows.

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Venus Compared to Earth

Venus and Earth are close together in space and similar in size, which is the reason Venus is called Earth's sister planet. But there are many things about Venus that make it distinctive. It is a waterless, moonless world. A year on Venus equals 225 Earth days, but a day on Venus equals 243 Earth days. This means that a Venusian day is longer that its year! But not only does Venus spin very slowly, it also spins in the opposite direction from other planets in the solar system. If the clouds weren't so thick, an inhabitant of Venus would be able to see the sun rise in the west and set in the east.

But the biggest difference currently in existence between Venus and Earth is their temperatures. Venus's atmosphere is a cauldron of greenhouse gases. Ninety-seven percent of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, with sulfuric acid droplets in the clouds. The heat that radiates from the planet's surface is trapped in its atmosphere, making it the hottest of all the planets at 900 degrees Fahrenheit. But for how long will this major difference between Earth and Venus remain? Every day humans are pumping more and more carbon dioxide into Earth's atmosphere, causing global warming and creating a stronger greenhouse effect. Venus may simply be a glimpse into Earth's dismal future.

Source 1: Aliens shock proof? NASA based study claims presence of alien life on Venus clouds
Source 2: There may be aliens living in Venus, claims NASA

Fact Factory

  • Astronomers are unable to directly observe the surface of cloud shrouded Venus. With the advent of the space program however they can map the surface using radar. NASA's Magellan mission to Venus orbited the planet and made detailed radar maps of the surface. Understanding the geology of other planets, such as Venus, helps geologists understand Earth's geology. [know more]
  • What people gravitate to for the purpose of pleasure, is what Venus will show. Widely considered more prominent in a Woman's Chart than in Man's. Find anyone's Venus position and unlock the secrets to catching their attention. [know more]

Author Paul Linus
