Cost Benefits of Online Book Publishing

Publishing a book was once an expensive process that required the use of a printing press as well as editing, inventory and transportation costs. Print books still have these costs, but publishing companies who publish books online aren't burdened with most of them.

Book publishing largely relies on a system that works much like consignment. The books that aren't sold in a bookstore are sent back to the publisher or are destroyed. This adds to the cost of the books that do get sold, resulting in an inflated cost that is only getting worse.

Increasing costs for materials, transportation and changing book market preferences have made the price of paperbacks skyrocket over the past few decades. According to, the price of hardbacks has remained steady since the 70s when adjusted for inflation. However, the prices of many paperbacks have tripled when inflation adjusted.

Online Book Publishing Costs

There are costs associated with publishing a book online, but an ebook store does have far fewer costs than print book publishing companies. An ebook publisher generally employs staff members to filter through the unusable manuscripts, editors to read and correct the usable ones and publishing executives to make final decisions about the ebooks and the website.

Many online book publishers also employ graphic artists to create digital book covers to go with each ebook sold in the site's ebook store. Maintaining the website may also have nominal costs. However, all of these costs pale in comparison to the costs of printing, transportation and the book consignment system when publishing a book.

Publishing a Book Easier With Ebooks

Because the cost of publishing a book online is so much lower than publishing a print book, many online publishing companies can afford to take chances on books that won't be best sellers. Print book publishers have thin profit margins, making them extremely selective about the books they can afford to publish.

While ebook publishers must be selective in order to build a good reputation for stocking high-quality ebooks, online publishing companies often give first-time authors more consideration than print publishers can. And with smaller costs and smaller staffs needed to maintain the business of publishing, ebook publishing companies often take less time to respond to manuscripts.

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Self Publish an Ebook

The ease of self publishing ebooks online has given many writers the opportunity to write, publish and sell their books online without waiting for a book publisher to buy their book. Writers can now self publish a book and sell it through a third-party ebook store or sell their books online themselves through their own website.

A writer can self publish an ebook for little to no upfront costs. Compared to paying for a full printing of self-published print books, more and more writers can self publish a book about any topic they choose without waiting for more money or for approval from publishing companies.

Author Sunil S.
