How to Make Money Online with Websites and Blogs

The answer to how to make money online with websites isn't a loaded question, but it can certainly have a loaded answer, because if it's an online website business, it's open to the world. And because it's open to the world, there are over 100 million websites that new online businesses have to compete with – all of them vying for a piece of the internet earning pie.

It's not easy to create a website that will earn a good stream of income, but it is possible with dedication and hard work.

Skills and Talents

Any start-up website idea requires a certain amount of skill, passion or creative know-how in a niche area. Perhaps the entrepreneur is good at writing, web design, graphic arts, videography, or marketing. Any of these skills and talents could become the foundation for an online website business.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a very popular way for new website publishers to get started. What the publisher is doing is creating a website built around a product. Every time a reader purchases that product, the website publisher earns a percentage of the sale or a set amount.

The first thing to do is find an affiliate in a topic the publisher enjoys or has some interest in. If the publisher has an interest in gardening, for instance, he or she could simple do a search in quotes for "gardening affiliates," and any affiliates in that topic will come up in the search results. There are also agencies that are designed to broker those affiliates with web publishers.

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Article Writing

The article writer must have good writing skills. Although some article sites are less picky about grammar rules and broken English, the well-written article will always reap higher rewards.

There are numerous article writing sites that pay either a percentage of the advertising revenue received when readers click on the ads, or a certain dollar amount based on the number of times people have read the article. There are also article brokerage companies that sell the article for the writer.

Article directories, on the other hand, are a useful medium when used to promote a website via links within the article. This form or promotion is considered one of the most successful marketing strategies.

Create Multiple Mini Websites

One small website optimized for Google AdSense ads could garner no more than $1 or $2 per day or per week, but several could reward the the website publisher with a good income stream. Financial Success with Multiple Mini-Websites may help the new publisher to get started.

If building multiple websites, focus on one at a time. Optimize it and promote it before moving on to building the next site.

Tips for Success

To be successful in an online business takes dedication and hard work.

-Successful online entrepreneurs are proactive. They make it happen rather than waiting for it to happen without any effort on their part.
-They are flexible – willing to adapt to changes in technology and business methods, and learn to stay ahead of trends.
-Successful online entrepreneurs are passionate about their businesses. They do what they love and with that passion, they make it work.
-They think positively. Positive thinkers not only enjoy their lives away from the computer, but that positive outlook shows in their work and rewards them financially.

Join Website Forums to Learn

Before beginning any online business, new entrepreneurs should join website forums to learn as much as possible. Those forums will also offer numerous tips, suggestions and money-making ideas. There are several very good website forums that will have answers to nearly all the questions a publisher will want to ask. The more the potential publisher learns, the more successful he will be with.

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