How to Get Ready for Nursing Before Your Baby Arrives

Breastfeeding is often considered to be one of the most natural things in the world. However, many mothers encounter challenges along the way. In order to better manage some of those challenges, it can be helpful to start preparations for breastfeeding during your pregnancy.

Attend a Breastfeeding Class

Often one of the best ways to prepare for breastfeeding your baby is to take a breastfeeding class. Classes that are taught by a breastfeeding educator or lactation consultant will help you to learn about all of the advantages of breastfeeding for mother and baby, some basic breastfeeding techniques, and when to call a lactation specialist for help. Look for classes that are between 2 and 3 hours in length and those that encourage fathers to attend as well as mothers.

Join a Breastfeeding Support Group

You might think it is unusual to attend breastfeeding support groups before your baby arrives, but it can be one of the best ways to prepare for breastfeeding. Support groups can be a huge source of support to establish connections with other breastfeeding mothers. A support group can also help to give you more confidence as you prepare for breastfeeding your baby in the first few weeks and months after birth. One of the most well-known breastfeeding support groups is La Leche League. Take the time during pregnancy to locate La Leche League or other support group closest to you.

Find Several Lactation Consultants or Other Breastfeeding Specialists in Your Area

Once you get home after your baby arrives, it will be harder to find to time to get the resources you need with a baby to take care of. Not to mention, being alone adds to the sense of isolation that can easily happen during the postpartum period. Feeling alone can only make it more tempting to give up breastfeeding when challenges come. These are only a few reasons for why locating resources for breastfeeding ideally should occur during pregnancy.

You can find contact information for lactation consultants and breastfeeding specialists from your pediatrician, hospital or birthing center and your obstetrician or midwife's office. Some of these specialists can include certified lactation consultants, lactation educators, peer counselors such as La Leche League leaders, and even birth or postpartum doulas.

Many of these breastfeeding specialists will provide home visits and charge an hourly fee to assist you with good breastfeeding techniques, proper latch and any other troubleshooting you may need. In fact, support from a good breastfeeding specialist is often one way mothers report they were able to continue nursing successfully.

Purchase a Good Breast Pump

Pumping might not be something you imagine you would need to do for awhile, however purchasing a breast pump ahead of time is often one of the best ways to prepare for breastfeeding. Sometimes moms might need to increase their milk supply or fathers may want to share in the feeding by giving the baby a bottle of pumped breast milk after a few weeks. It is worth the price tag of $300-400 to purchase a double electric pump since even with regular use, a good breast pump should last for a year or two.

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Read Breastfeeding Books

There are several good breastfeeding books on the market today. Investing in several will make it easier for you when you have questions about breastfeeding techniques or anything related to nursing when support may be hard to find. Some of the best breastfeeding books include The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers by Newman, The Nursing Mother's Companion by Huggins, The Breastfeeding Answer Book by La Leche League and Breastfeeding Made Simple by Morbacher.

Breastfeeding is indeed one of the most natural things in the world and is truly the way a woman's body was designed to feed her baby. It is also one of the most rewarding things a new mother can experience. Yet breastfeeding continues to present challenges for new mothers today. Why not take the time now while you are pregnant to prepare so that your breastfeeding experience will be successful?

Author Twinkle Brar
