Pros and Cons of Dating Services

Dating services have been around for many, many years. In fact the whole concept of these dating services dates back to times when families would arrange marriages for their children. With the growth of the Internet, much of the dating business has headed online. Online dating services are the most popular dating companies, but there are still other options available.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the different dating services available to singles.

Online Dating Service

With an online dating service, a person posts information and pictures in a personal profile on a dating website. Members of the dating website respond to other members' profiles that they may be interested in. There are now hundreds of different online dating services with some of them being for specific categories of people such as Christian online dating, over 50 online dating, and divorcees online dating.

Pros of Online Dating – Online dating services can provide a large selection of people to choose from for a relationship. A person can even sign up for more than one dating website and meet even more people. Also a person can quickly search through members by interest, location, and goals to find someone he or she is compatible with.

Cons of Online Dating – As mentioned there are a wide variety of people who use Internet dating services and most websites will not screen a person’s background before they sign up. Risks are taken by people when they decide to meet someone in person from a dating website. A person is also more subjective to harassment and stalking online than in real life. Lastly, some people may find an online relationship difficult if the person they are attracted to does not live close by.

Matchmaking Services

A single person can also choose to have a professional matchmaker set him or her up with dates based off the matchmaker's opinion A single man or woman goes to the matchmaking service and gets interviewed and then based on that interview the professional chooses a few dates that she thinks would be a good fit.

Pros of Matchmaking Services – A professional matchmaker can specialize in a specific religion or ethnicity if that plays a big part in who a person dates. Also, with matchmaking services, all the potential dates are screened and most services will even run background checks on its members.

Cons of Matchmaking Services– A person is limited with the number of people that he or she may be exposed to for dates with this type of dating service. Also, he or she is subjected to the matchmaker’s taste and opinion when it comes to his or her dates.

Video Dating Services

With a video dating service, a person is given a certain amount of videos that feature interviews with prospective dates. Both the women and men are viewing dates and asking to be paired up with certain individuals that they are attracted to. These types of dating services used to be really popular but a lot of them are being replaced with dating websites instead.

Pros of Video Dating Services – The biggest pro is that a person gets to see his or her date on video beforehand. The single also gets to do the choosing in who he or she wants to date.

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Cons of Video Dating Services – Most people will get tired of watching hundreds of interviews of people on tape and may miss someone that could have been perfect for them.

In the recent years, online dating services have been taking over the dating industry, but there are other options for people who are not interested in Internet dating. Matchmaking and video dating are other options for singles looking to find the perfect mate.

Author Twinkle Brar
