Tips: Stay-at-Home Parents Can Provide Individual Attention to Kids

Parents who have chosen to stay home with their children may assume that they have plenty of time with their kids. Though this may be true in general, for those with more than one child, one-on-one time with each child may be lacking.

Below are some ways to provide focused attention to each child and make all children in the family feel special, regardless of how many of them are under one roof.

Schedule Regular Dates With Children

In the same way that parents should date each other, it is also beneficial to proactively "date" each child. A date is simply time set aside for two people, in this case, one parent and one child. Both parents should participate in dates if at all possible. This is even more crucial in large families with multiple kids since they may be more apt to feel neglected.

Parent-child dates can include major things such as taking a trip together or less extravagant things such as going to a movie or meal out together, playing a game of miniature golf of bowling, or even simple and free things like playing a board game together and perhaps enjoying some kind of treat together at home. Whether the date is simple or complex, expensive or free, the most important point is that only two people go on the date.

Focus on Different Children on Family Nights

A weekly family day or night is an excellent tradition for a family to develop. Family time can include making fun food such as pizza, working puzzles, watching movies, or playing games.

A great way to make each child feel special is to alternate who is in charge of the planned evening. The child in charge doesn't need to do the actual work unless he is old enough and wants to do so, but he can make decisions regarding what the dinner choice is or the fun activity for the whole family is.

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Especially if the family is large, a great way to remember whose turn it is to be in charge is to go in age order, either from youngest to oldest or oldest to youngest. Each child will know when his turn is coming and can anticipate being the one favored on his special day. It is important to encourage the children to be positive and cooperative when it is someone else's turn to choose, even if they elect to do something that is not particularly enjoyed by everyone.

Just small amounts of effort can make kids feel special and unique, even if they are part of a large family. Going on regular dates and taking turns planning family nights are two simple ways to give each child in the family focused attention.

Author Sunil S.

