Tips to Choose Baby Bath Products

Parents can make baby’s bath time easy, fun and safe by investing in the right kind of bath seat or tub, using soft towels and other bath products that suit baby’s sensitive skin and hair. Here are a few tips and ideas on how to choose the right kind baby bath seats or tubs, towels, toys and other bath accessories.

Deciding Between a Baby Tub and a Bath Seat

A baby tub is essentially a small-sized tub that fits into the larger, adult bath tub and can be used to bathe baby easily. A baby tub is a good buy since it prevents baby from feeling scared while in an adult tub. A small bathtub is also useful for new parents who may not be very confident bathing baby in the full-size tub.

A bath seat, on the other hand, is a portable way of bathing baby. An infant can be strapped in and bathed in a chair-style bath seat, which makes bathing a baby quite easy for a new parent. The bath seat is easy to move around and can be placed in the kitchen sink or the adult bathtub for ease of use.

Choosing the Right Baby Soaps and Shampoos

Babies have extremely sensitive skin. So, it is essential to choose and use bath products that are hypoallergenic, tear-free and meant especially for babies. Using soaps and shampoos meant for adults may cause allergies or rashes due to the presence of chemicals and additives.

Buying Bath Towels for Baby

Infant bath towels must be of the soft and absorbent kind. A hood will be an advantage since it will allow parents to keep baby’s head warm once bath time is over. As baby grows, parents might want to invest in bigger towels with or without hoods and even, a bathrobe for toddlers.

Toys and Other Bath Accessories

Bath toys are a great way of making baths fun for a baby. Even a two-month-old infant will enjoy seeing colorful fish or other toys floating around in the tub. Choose toys that are safe for an infant to play with, have no small parts and are easy to keep clean. Store toys in a mesh bag that will allow them to dry out after each bath.

Other infant bath accessories include safety equipment such as a bath thermometer and an anti-skid mat in the bathroom. Another important safety measure is a rubber cover for the faucet to protect baby’s fingers from accidentally touching a hot faucet.

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Things to Keep in Mind When Bathing Baby

-Newborns can easily be sponged with a soft, damp cloth instead of being given a full-fledged bath.
-Once the umbilical stump has fallen off, infants can be bathed. However, keep use of soap and tear-free shampoo to a minimum.
-Parents can make bath time a relaxing or fun activity by talking to baby and explaining what is happening.
-Prepare for baby’s bath by having everything that is required arranged and at hand. Never leave an infant unattended in the bath tub or seat.
-Have baby’s clothes, lotion or cream and diaper laid out and kept ready to prevent baby from catching a chill.

Choosing the right bath products and accessories as well as the right bath tub or infant seat will make bath time easy and fun for both a parent and her baby. Do use these tips and suggestions to buy bath products that are best suited for an infant and make baths truly enjoyable.

Author Twinkle Brar
