Tips for Writers: How to Use Social Networking for Marketing Writing

Although some people tend to view social networking at a merely a fun method of communication on the Internet, social networking is also a vital ingredient in the travel writer's business.

Twitter for Travel Writers

Writers who join Twitter will find that it is a good tool for identifying other writers, reading their work, getting tips on new jobs for freelance writers, and getting work exposed to readers. The search tool on Twitter can help writers to locate other writers and people who need content. To locate new work, enter search terms that relate to freelance writers wanted or travel writers wanted. Writers can find other writers by visiting favorite blogs and following writers with Follow Me buttons. There are also various lists of favorite travel writers on Twitter.

Twitter is used extensively to broadcast new article titles, travel books, or travel blog posts to an audience of people. The more people the travel writer has on her list, the more exposure that the article will have. It is important, however, to broadcast a wide variety of messages. People will feel that the Twitter page is gimmicky if offers or new article are announced instead of some tips, suggestions, or even some personal banter that is related to the life of a travel writer.

Facebook for Travel Writers

Facebook allows users to network by adding people to their list as friends. Travel writers will find it useful to join groups that are related to traveling in different regions, writing and publishing books, or travel writing, specifically. Group members will post tips that are related to improving writing, the business of travel writing or job lead generation. Like Twitter, the key to having the most positive experience on Facebook is to have as many friends as possible in this networking tool. New friendships can be forged through interaction via some of the games on Facebook and through use of quizzes, and fun tools. Facebook also provides a platform to network through genuine friends, co-workers, and relatives, providing an excellent mechanism to obtain referrals.

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LinkedIn is a business networking tool. It focuses on networking through friendships or employment. Using work experiences, past and present, LinkedIn connects users with people with others who share the same interests or work experiences. Users may connect to others who are in their network. Through this network, users can send messages to groups and provide short referrals for others. The messages sent are business related, and can advertise the release of a new travel book or article. The messages may also give a job tip, or ask for industry related advice.

Start Using Social Networks for Exposure

All three of the social networking tools can help travel writers develop new readers and keep existing readers informed of whereabouts or provide them with updates that will build relationships and ultimately benefit the travel writer and the travel reading and travel writing community. When beginning to use social networking, travel writers should start slowly with one or two networks and add as she becomes comfortable with the tools available in the network.

Author Paul Linus
