Venus Reveals Love and Desires

What people gravitate to for the purpose of pleasure, is what Venus will show. Widely considered more prominent in a Woman's Chart than in Man's. Find anyone's Venus position and unlock the secrets to catching their attention.

Below are Brief Interpretations of Venus Through the 12 Zodiac Signs

A person's attributes are dramatically affected by which sign Venus was in at birth. Here is a look at the affect of Venus through the twelve signs.

Venus in Aries

This person usually prefers a harder to handle type of mate. Totally loving the challenge - the more fire the better. Unfortunately with Aries there is not always much staying power. As a result boredom can take hold, unless the object of affection has the ability to re-invent themselves on a regular basis. If the latter is the case, then the relationship will be as exciting as it can possibly get.

Venus in Taurus

This is a very sensual position for Venus. The song lyric "I need a lover with a slow hand" was tailor made for this Venus sign. You won't see this person rushing through anything that yields enjoyment, preferring instead to to savor the moments. Usually drawn to an aesthetically pleasing partner, sometimes even superseding logic when it comes down to a final choice.

Venus in Gemini

This type may not be the most affectionate mate on the planet, but will definitely keep the object of affection entertained. Unless a few water or earth signs are sprinkled throughout the Natal Chart, there will not be a warm and fuzzy nature. An enjoyment of mentally stimulating partners, who like frequent social get-togethers along with lots of comedy and laughter is ever present.

Venus in Cancer

Venus mixed with the Moon needs a warm, affectionate, loving mate to feel fulfilled. There is a strong connection to home with this Venus position, coupled with a great sensitivity to others. Saying something hurtful to this person will make their eyes well up. Saying something nasty about family, will have those same eyes glare in anger.

Venus in Leo

The Sun combined with Venus in general lives to be adored, especially by a significant other. Not minding at all to being put up onto a pedestal, in fact a few subtle hints may be dropped. The flip-side is that reciprocation is a given! The Sun — Venus's partner will be treated as either a hero or a queen — always second to none when it comes to expressing romantic emotions.

Venus in Virgo

This person tends to endlessly critique the partner, looking for ways to improve upon flaws, usually flaws that most other people would let slide. While this may be a natural thing, there is the risk of numerous marriages before settling down to one lifetime mate because of this trait.

Venus in Libra

A person born with Venus here doubles the pleasure aspect, as Venus is in it's own sign. This strong placement reveals a true hedonist and marked lover of beauty. Usually very gracious and polite to a fault. People often like giving, or doing things for this person. If not an Artist outright, there will be some noticeable artistic ability.

Venus in Scorpio

Mysterious Scorpio has many outward desires that are kept private from those that don't need to know. And those within the trusted circle, are far and few between. Usually also preferring to seek out a loyal and faithful mate with a fair amount of depth. Venus in Scorpio bestows a mystique and magnetism, of which this character is usually totally unaware.

Venus in Sagittarius

The Venus and Jupiter person seems to love everyone, along with an easygoing, social butterfly type attitude. Often there one minute, then gone the next, making people want more. Instinctively knowing how to create a strong, positive, attitude against any of life's pitfalls with a few optimistic quotes. The world becomes an ongoing lifetime learning process, that is to be enjoyed to the fullest.

Venus in Capricorn

This person expresses love through deeds, as opposed to syrupy displays of affection. Most prefer a serious, reliable type of partner, with a mature or older attitude. Money and status will play a role within romantic relationships.

Venus in Aquarius

This character likes an open-minded, freedom loving significant other. Uranus and Venus require a lot of room to move about freely. Groups and organizations will play a major role in this Venus - Aquarian love life.

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Aliens Living On Venus: NASA

Venus in Pisces

This sensitive soul needs a nurturing mate, within a peaceful environment. Naturally turned off by aggressive, or loud people - the sensitive nature easily becomes drained.

How Venus Relates to Mars Will Have an Additional Impact

How Venus interacts with Mars, will reveal additional clues about how a person attracts and maintains romantic relationships. Knowing what one wants is half the battle when pursuing a life long mate.

Author Paul Nchemba
