Are Tattoos Body Art Or Curse

Tattoos are symbols, pictures or words inked on various parts of body to express a particular meaning to others. The character and thoughts of that person is reflected by the tattoo design. Tattooing is a kind of body art which has been preserved from ages and is fashionable amongst youngsters these days.

History of Tattoos

Tattooing was practiced by primitive tribal men. Evidences of Paleolithic artifacts, classified as tools used by a tattoo artist have been found. There are also indications which reveal that tattoos were put on female statuettes and individuals in Egypt between 4000 and 2000 B.C. For example, marks of tattoo were seen on the arms and legs of the Libyon statues in the tomb of Seti.

How Is It Done?

Based on the rule of the nation, a youth can opt for an expert or a common tattoo. The color used for tattooing is not an authorized one. To put a tattoo, the artists use a vibrating device power-driven by an electric motor. The pigment of the tattoo is then injected into the skin at a speed of several thousand times per minute so that it goes to a depth of roughly 1/50 inches below it.

A single needle is used to make an outline of the tattoo. After that, five to seven needles are used to mix different colors in a needle bar. This practice of tattooing has been banned by some countries. Sometimes strict rules are levied like fines are to be paid. At other times, people get full freedom to use them. Most teens like to get their tattoos done by themselves or from friends which is unhygienic and should be avoided.

Effects On Health

  • There is a possibility of getting contaminated with a blood-borne disease or infection. One should be careful that the needles are sterilized before using and not reused later. It is better to dispose it so that no one can use it.
  • The left over pigment after injection should not be reused.
  • The tattoo artist should wear latex gloves and he must be careful that no interruption takes place during the whole procedure.
  • Some tattoos may cause infection and the skin becomes itchy and swollen. Do not put water on the tattooed part for couple of weeks as it may pain. Surgery can be done to remove these tattoos.

There is always a bad thing associated with a good thing, so it depends upon the individual to decide what he/she wants. To properly use a tattoo, enough care and precaution should be taken. If it is hygienically used, it can be a style statement and not a curse.


Everyone has there own opinion about tattoos but sadly for some their opinion will not be formed until after they get their first tattoo and then decide that decide that they have made a mistake in getting a tattoo, luckily there have been a lot of advancements in tattoo removal technology, but surgical removal still remains the most effect form of removal, with a variety of procedures available from your doctor such as intense pulse therapy, tattoo excision and laser tattoo removal.
