Atchison – Most Haunted Kansas Town

Atchison, Kansas is a railroad town located on the banks of the Missouri River. Known most often as the hometown of famed aviatrix Amelia Earhart, Atchison is also home to many ghostly spirits. This is part one of a three-part series.

Sallie, the Heartland Ghost

One of the most well-known ghosts of Atchison is Sallie, the Heartland Ghost. Sallie's house has been the focal point of many psychic readings, and has been featured on such television shows as Sightings and Unexplained Mysteries.

According to the story,six-year-old Sallie grew terribly ill in the middle of the night with severe abdominal pains. Her mother took her to the doctor's house on North 2nd Street, where the doctor not only lived, but also had his office. The doctor diagnosed Sallie with severe appendicitis and indicated that immediate surgery was necessary. The doctor gave Sallie an anesthetic, but did not wait long enough for the anesthesia to completely take effect before beginning surgery. Sallie awoke during the first incision, struggling with pain. After looking at the doctor with fear and loathing in her eyes, she died shortly thereafter on the operating table. Unexplained pranks and mischief have been reported in the house ever since, such as toys being strewn about and pictures being turned upside down.

There have been reports, however, that Sallie is not the only spirit that occupies the house. In the early 1990's, a young couple rented the house. Sallie immediately began her harmless pranks, but other malevolent attacks also began that were initially attributed to Sallie. Often times the husband would be attacked by the spirit the couple thought was Sallie. Long red scratches would appear on his torso, and there were times he felt like he was being pushed. Spontaneous fires would also erupt throughout the house. A psychic discovered that there were two ghosts in the house; Sallie, who was responsible for the harmless pranks such as the pictures being turned upside down; and the spirit of a woman in her 30s, who had taken a liking to the husband and was trying to cause problems between him and his wife. After repeated attacks on the man, the couple had had enough and moved out. Evidently, the malevolent spirit left when the couple did, as there have been no further reports of anyone experiencing her presence since.

It appears that Sallie still resides at this residence, as there have been continued to be reports of mischievous activity.

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Gargoyle Home

The Waggener House on North 4th Street, also known as the Gargoyle home, was built by B.P. Waggener in 1884. A lawyer and politician, it was often said that Waggener acquired his wealth through a deal with the devil, and the house he built was adorned with gargoyles to honor the pact. It is rumored that the house is afflicted with a curse and, in fact, anyone who has attempted to since remove the gargoyles has met an untimely death.

Santa Fe Depot

The original freight depot for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, built in 1880, is said to be haunted by the ghost of Hangman Bill. Hangman Bill was a railroad worker known for his habit of hanging from the freight that was being loaded on and off the rail cars. Bill was killed beneath a load of freight one day when a cable snapped and he was crushed.

The depot building currently houses the Atchison Visitor's Center, the Atchison Chamber of Commerce and an historical museum. Workers and visitors often report noises coming from an area above the depot's main rooms. However, there is not a second floor to the building and the source of noises remains a mystery.

Author Sunil S.
