Best Jobs in Africa & Middle East

Africa is a massive continent, culturally diverse and topographically different. The second largest continent on the planet, it is 25% bigger than the 3rd continent, North America. China, the United States, Argentina, New Zealand, India and all of Europe could fit inside of her with enough remaining room for Panama, Costa Rica, Belize and Jamaica. But unknown to most, it is also the 2nd largest per capita continent.

The Middle East is a part of the Asian Subcontinent located above and below the Tropic of Cancer. The region is typically divided into several countries from Israel and Lebanon in the west to the UAE and Oman in the East.* Turkey and Iran boarder her to the North with Yemen considered the southern boundary.


located on the Northeast part of the African continent, has a long history. The second most populated country in Africa, Egypt supports an assorted population and climate. While 87% of her residents are Muslim, 10-12% are Christians. A mild Mediterranean climate supports her northern boarder with a warmer environment along the Red Sea. The Nile River blushes Egypt’s banks from the lush deltas, through the Temples of Carnac and Luxor. Past the Pyramids of Giza to the Great Library at Alexandria, the Nile’s history is as long as her length.

The 1976 “Camp David Peace Accords” made Egypt the first “Arab” nation to make peace with Israel. This event has seen her reap many dividends. Along with securing lands in the Sinai she has open boarders with all her neighbors. European tourist flock to the year round resorts at Hurghada and Sharm-el Sheikh, while business maximizes the advantages of her waterway – the Suez Canal.

According to the Index of Economic Freedom, “Egypt's economy is 53.2% free…which makes it the world's 127th freest economy.” The top tax rate is 20%.

  • Dock/Container Manager EGP 810,500 = $146,300
  • Project Manager: EGP 665,800 = $120,200
  • Executive Chefs = EGP 365,100 = $65,900
  • Port Planners EGP 250,400 = $45,200
  • Software Development Managers EGP 227,440 = $41,000

South Africa

has had a poor reputation for years because of its horrible racial past and is still experiencing problems with her northern neighbor, Zimbabwe. However, she has successfully overcome racial problems with programs designed to maintain and encourage “white” entrepreneurship. Cooperation between all citizens has allowed SA to exploit only her natural resources; diamonds, gold, fisheries and tourism. "South Africa's economy is 64.1 percent free...which makes it the world's 52nd freest economy."

  • Mining Engineering Consultants R862,600 = $120,200
  • Science Professors R780,500 = $108,700
  • Airline Pilots R445,250 = $62,050
  • Pharmacists R380,000 = $52,900
  • Equipment Maintenance Managers R340,000 = $47,350
  • Rural Government Doctors R296.010 = $45,900


has been called a “Third World Country with a lot of money" – a whole lot of money!

According to a 60 minute report several years ago, the UAE has the highest per capita income on the planet. It is called the “Las Vegas of the Middle East.” According to a Merrill Lynch report, the greatest increase (%I) and numbers (%N) of HNWIs (High Net Worth Individuals) in 2005 were in the Middle East 28.9%I 9.5%N with North America 10.2%I 9.7%N; Asia-Pacific 8.5%I 8.2%N; Latin America 7.9%I 6.3%N and Europe 3.7%I 4.1%N.

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The UAE has all the amenities of modern Western Cities. American, Australian, Belgian and British Universities including George Mason University and the University of Southern Queensland, have UAE campuses. The University of Manchester England and the American University of Sharjah are considered world standard research institutions.

Ski Dubai; the world’s tallest building, Burj Dubai; the only 7 star hotel in the world, Burj Al Arab and a space launching facility for space tourist flights, all exist in the Emirates. Islands shaped like palm trees and the world have developers like Donald Trump and residents Pamela Anderson, Robbie Williams, Brad Pitt, Victoria Beckham, Vijay Singh and Rod Stewart living in a UAE home. The important thing for the rest of us is this existence brings an abundance of unfilled jobs in every field imaginable in any Western nation. "The UAE has no income tax and no federal corporate tax;" the maximum tax rate for workers is Zero!

  • Software Developers (experience) AED 960,000 = $262,000
  • Mechanical Engineering Managers AED 660,200 = $180,100
  • Dock Coordinators AED 612,000 = $167,000
  • Airline Captains AED 560,000 = $152,800
  • Property Manager AED 555,300 = $151,800
  • Associate & Traffic Engineers AED 485,000 = $132,300
  • Financial Real Estate Directors AED 450,000 = $122,800
  • Architects AED 420,000 = $114,600

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Author Sunil S.
