Best Photos for Online Dating after Divorce

Most men don’t contact women who have no photo on their dating profile. And, since men make decisions based upon looks, a gal's photograph must be flattering, though still be an honest representation of her appearance.

Best Photos for Online Dating

For online dating sites, every woman should use an un-retouched recent photograph. There is no need to spend a lot of money for a glamour shot. Ladies interested in meeting men online should put on makeup, put on a smiley face, get a friend to take a hundred digital snaps, and upload the best one. (No girlfriend? Try an inexpensive portrait photographer.) Here are the basic pictures needed:

  • One head shot for the main bio
  • One head-to-toe photo which divulges body type

How to Take that Great Shot

Smile: It should be an honest smile, not a frozen grin. A good way to find this expression is to look directly into the camera and think naughty thoughts.

Lighting: Try different lighting environments, like shady outdoor light or a low indoor glow. Usually, the best non-professional portraits are taken on an overcast day (times when the sun is not brightest) when the lighting is even and shadows are minimized.

Stretch, or lean forward, to look relaxed but more taut. Try different positions for arms and body.

Props: Use whatever works. Some gals look better without props, but it’s nice to add personality to photos by including playful pups, sandy beaches, or clicking some snaps while smiling under an umbrella.

Introducing the Pioneer Airbow

Clothing for the Best Photos

V neck tops are the most flattering because they elongate the neck. A white tee shirt under a top is great for reflecting light back onto the face; black has the opposite effect and can be aging. Wear solid colors because prints are distracting and confusing. Just keep changing clothes and locations to vary the shots. That's how to get good photos of divorced women.

Online Dating after Divorce for Women over 40 (over 50, 60, or 70)

This is tough for most women over 40, but their uploaded photo should be a recent picture. Some “experts” say it’s recent if it’s less than 18 months old, but it really should be something from the previous three months.

There is no point in an older woman putting her high school yearbook picture online. Every man she meets will say, “Hi. Is your daughter here?” It’s just plain humiliating to see that look of disappointment. Hey, it’s so much better to hear, “Gee, you look even better in person!” Ego boost!

Try these tips:

  • Decent recent photo, try different lighting or makeup (loose powder) to minimize aging shadows
  • Color gray unless hair is a beautiful silver or white
  • Cover thinning hair with a fabulous hat or use a rectangular scarf as a headband.
  • Smile. Life is a trip.

Cute Chubby Chicks and Full-length Photos

Chubby chicks dating online need to upload pictures that show their body type. Plump women are not being singled out. All women need a similar shot as their secondary photo. Remember that most men prefer curves to flat-chested Vogue models.

  • Jackets and tops which cover arms, place emphasis on the face.
  • Place body sideways and turn face towards camera.
  • Lie full-length on one's side.
  • Banish double chins by tilting the chin upwards.
Women who are too self-conscious to put up full-length, fully-clothed pictures of themselves are not ready to date. They need to work out, work on their self-esteem, or buy one decent outfit that makes them feel beautiful.

Younger Single Moms

There is no reason for a young gal to show too much cleavage or wear a bathing suit. It will attract the wrong type of attention. Pictures of children should not be uploaded because it makes a woman look like she's desperate to find a daddy for the kiddies.

How to Stand Out from the Crowd

Color is cheap. Wear a favorite shade of bright red, deep pink, or any other flattering color. Most women should color their hair so it is a “recognizable” shade:

  • Blonde
  • Red
  • Brunette
  • Almost Black, most women look Goth or worse in true black unless they were born with it
Experiment with different backgrounds:

  • Blue sky
  • Greens in a nearby park
  • Bright or deeply colored walls
  • Hats (as long as they don’t shadow the face) to add spunkiness, character, and color

Dating after divorce can be intimidating. While it’s always possible that a divorced woman will meet Mr. Right in the produce department, it’s more likely that she will need to put herself “out there” to meet someone worthy of her experience and intelligence. Remember to use common sense safety rules for online singles sites. And, remember that the best photos for divorced moms, chubby chicks, and women over 40 (or 70) are recent pictures which show off a woman's true inner self.

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