Divorced Women Dating Advice

It’s tough getting back in the dating game after a divorce. You thought you’d left the world of singles bars and blind dates behind forever, only to discover that you’re back at square one -- except, this time, you no longer have the innocence of youth on your side. You know just how badly it can all go wrong.

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Don’t let a difficult divorce put you off the search for love. You can and will find love again. After all, according to the JRank Marriage and Family Encyclopedia, one in three divorced Americans fall in love, get engaged, and tie the knot within a year after their divorce was finalized. Mr. Right may be closer than you think!

But what do you need to know this time around to make sure that you don’t get hurt? Here are my top three tips.

Put the Divorce Behind You

As tempting as it may be to spill your life story to every new man you meet, resist the urge. He doesn’t want to hear why your marriage ended or what a jerk your ex-husband is. He’s more interested in seeing if he has fun with you, and nothing kills fun quicker than a negative attitude.

Keeping your mind firmly fixed on the present yields other benefits as well. Divorce can leave you with a ton of emotional baggage, including a deep suspicion of men. But not all men are like your ex. The way he treated you is not representative of all men. The failure of your marriage does not spell doom for all your future relationships. Close that chapter of your life and move forward into a brighter future.

Don't Let Divorce Wreck Your Self-Esteem

Some women believe that having a failed marriage means that they’re a failure, a social pariah. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Once you get out on the singles scene, you’ll discover that, as a divorcee, you‘re in good company. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, one in five of us will end up going through at least one divorce in our lifetime.

So if you think men don’t like divorced women, think again. It’s not being divorced that’s the problem; it’s the baggage and the negative attitude towards men that often seem to be the consequences of divorce.

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The solution is simple: don’t bring that baggage into a new relationship. Don’t let being divorced become a big deal. You’re a catch, not damaged goods. Just think of all the wisdom and experience you now have to bring to a new relationship. Be proud of yourself: you’re a survivor, and you’ve learned from your marriage. You won’t make the same mistakes next time.

Enjoy Dating Again After Divorce

When you’re used to being married, the protocol of dating can feel alien to you. You’re used to being with someone 24-7 and doing little things to please him, but treat a man you’re dating that way and you’ll send him running for the hills.

Dating may lack the intimacy of marriage, but that doesn’t make it less worthwhile. Dating can show you different sides to yourself that you didn’t know you had. As a single woman, you have so much more freedom to express yourself and try out new experiences. You can choose what to cook for dinner, what time to come home, and who to spend time with. Indulge yourself! You can be a little more selfish when you don’t have a husband to consider. As a result, you may even find that your new life is the envy of your married friends.

It’s all about attitude. Your single life will be as fun as you make it. If you don’t think you’ll enjoy being single, you’ll make your life more difficult than it needs to be. But if you’re willing to see the positive side, you’ll grow enormously from your time spent between relationships. You’ll be more prepared to make it work the next time around.

And there will be a next time. You can bet on it.

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Author Sunil S.

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