Brief Look at Fashion Photography

Fashion photography is one of the most dynamic and rapidly changing branches of the art. Just as fashion trends are continuously changing, and garments considered chic today become drab tomorrow, similarly a fashion photograph deemed to be fantastic today may become silly a few years from now.

For example a few years back photographers tried to capture of the finest details of the clothing. Today however, greater importance is given to the overall feel of the photograph and the finer details of the clothes are often overlooked.

Glamorizing the Fashion Image

The word that goes hand in hand with the fashion industry is glamour and it is the fashion photographer’s primary task to glamorize and increase the romance of the dress. To achieve this end not only does the need to understand the trends of the market but also possess sufficient creativity and skill to bring something new to his photo every single time. Furthermore, he cannot allow his personal likes and dislikes to influence the photo but rather act according to the requirement of his clientele in order to produce photos that will be acceptable to both his editor and readers and entice the potential buyers.

Establishing a Professional Relationship with the Model

Another very important quality for a good fashion photographer is the ability to build a good rapport with his model by talking to her about topics of mutual interest and making her feel at ease. Previously, models had to hold a pose for a long time but with the advancement in technology and advent of high-speed cameras, today models seldom have to hold a pose for too long.

In fact the hallmark of a good fashion model lies in her inability to constantly make slight changes in the position of her head and limbs allowing the photographer to take a large number of nearly similar photos from which he can then cherry pick the best. Nowadays normal and spontaneous poses against simple backdrops are preferred over intricate ones.

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The photographer may conduct the shoot outdoors or in a studio (with proper lighting), but if he chooses the former then he must take necessary precautions to ensure that overcurious crowds or some similar contingency does not compromise the poise and comfort of his model.

It is always advisable to choose your models carefully and stick with them because good understanding between the fashion photographer and the model is essential for a decent photo shoot and finding a good model practically means half your job is done!

Author Sunil S.
