First Mother's Day – History of Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a special day for moms when kids remember and show appreciation for all of the kind deeds their Mother has done for them in life. Gifts are given, special meals are prepared, and mothers are showered with kindness. So, how did it all begin?

Origin of Mother's Day

Mothers have been honored with celebrations for hundreds of years. Spending a special Sunday with Mothers and honoring them with a meal can be traced back to England in the 1600s. The day was known as Mothering Sunday.

Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, which is a 40 day period before Easter. At this time, many people worked as servants and rarely got any time off. However, on Mothering Sunday, servants were given the day off so they could travel home and spend time with their families. This often involved a holiday meal along with a cake known as a "mothering cake."

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Mother Church

There are some who believe that the origins of Mother's Day dates back to ancient Greece and that the foundation of the holiday is based on celebrating Rhea, who was the Mother of the Gods. As time went on and Christianity spread through European countries, the celebration began to honor "mother church." At some point, "mother church" and Mothering Sunday were brought together to honor both the church and mothers.

Julia Ward Howe and Mother's Day

Julia Ward Howe is responsible for first trying to organize a Mother's Day celebration in the United States. Best known for writing the lyrics to the Battle Him of the Republic, Howe began setting up Mother's day meetings in Boston. Some other people began organizing groups as well, but, Mother's Day didn't become more popular until Anna Jarvis began a campaign for establishing Mother's Day nationally.

Anna Jarvis and the First Mother's Day

Anna Jarvis wanted to start a national Mother's Day to honor her own mother who had wanted to heal wounds from the Civil War and bring children peacefully together. She established the first Mother's Day in Grafton, West Virginia on the second Sunday in May.

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Salem Witchcraft Trials, 1692 (Hysteria in Massachussetts)

She began to get people to write letters to businessmen, politicians, and the clergy. Mother's Day became an official holiday in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May as the day to honor mothers throughout the country.

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Mother's Day continues to be celebrated on the second Sunday of each May. It gives mothers the opportunity to be appreciated and children a way to give something backs to their moms.

Author Twinkle Brar

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