Great Mother's Day Gifts for Mom Better than Flowers

If your usual Mother's Day gift comes from a card or flower shop and you're looking for a unique Mother's Day gift idea, consider a personalized greeting right from the heart. If your mother is special and deserves better than a dozen roses and a commercial card, give her a personal gift of unconditional love.

Gratitude, a Unique Mother's Day Gift

Being a mother, though a natural biological function, is a very difficult, energy-consuming responsibility. A human child is helpless, unable to survive without near-constant care. Any parent knows this full well, but adults may forget that mothers are the ones likely to have provided most of their early childhood care.

Mother's Day is an excellent opportunity to express thanks and appreciation for the time, energy, and love your mother provided.

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Special Memories for Mother's Day

Do you have special memories that you associate with your mother? Perhaps it's seeing her in the stands or along the sideline watching your youthful sports activities. Maybe you can recall a situation when mother was there for you at a difficult time. Do you often recall your mother's favorite sayings that come to you at just the right time to guide you through a difficult decision or choice?

Perhaps you've never told your mother how much these special things mean to you and how important they've been in your life. Mother's Day is a great time to rectify that omission.

Personalize a Great Mother's Day Gift

Following are several expressions of gratitude, appreciation, and love that you can personalize in your own words for greatest impact. Don't try to make your message rhyme unless you're poetically inclined. A sincere message full of love and in your own words will be very powerful.

Unique Mother's Day Greetings

Thank you, Mother, for my life, for the many hours and sleepless nights in caring for me, and for guiding me through early childhood to adulthood.

Mother, I've probably never told you how much I appreciate the love, support, and guidance you've given me. As a child, I'm sure I took for granted that you would be there for me and you would provide for my daily needs. I now know that was not easy. Thank you for all you've done for me.

Dear Mother, now that I have my own child I can better understand what you did for me as a child. I know it wasn't easy and I'm sure there were many times when you were totally exhausted but still kept on. Thank you for being my mother.

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My dear Mother. I've been thinking about the special memories I have of times we've spent together. These special memories often help me through challenges that I face and I want you to know how special you are to me.

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Mother, just the other day I was trying to decide something that was troubling me. I worried and worried over it until suddenly one of your favorite sayings popped into my head and immediately gave me the answer I sought. Thank you for the wisdom you always provided, even when I was too young and naive to appreciate it.

Special Mother's Day Gift

When you express your love and gratitude in personal and loving words, you'll be giving mother a very special gift.

Author Twinkle Brar

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