How to Prepare for an Adventure Travel Vacation

Adventure travel brochures look so appealing, with pictures of happy travelers trekking in Nepal, hiking in Greece, rafting the Amazon, or mountain biking in Utah. But adventure travel encompasses a wide range of activity and skill levels, and not every trip is appropriate for every tourist.

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Unfortunately, some adventure travel outfitters don't evaluate participants strictly enough, and may book trips for people who don't have the endurance and fitness to fully participate in the activities. This might not be a problem on a light adventure trip where there is a "sag wagon" for those who can't hike or bike the whole way, or where each night involves a long rest at a hotel or B and B. And it doesn't matter on a trip where groups can break up according to different levels of exertion.

But on tougher, more remote trips, participants who lack the necessary skills or fitness can pose a safety risk to the entire group, not to mention being miserable because of sore muscles, or discouraged because they can't make the summit.

Questions to Ask an Outfitter Before Booking an Adventure Travel Trip

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  • What is the minimum level of fitness required?
  • What are the terrain and climate like?
  • What is an average day's activity?
  • How many miles will the group be expected to walk, hike, climb, or bicycle?
  • If climbing and hiking, what are the elevations, and what are the elevation gains and losses?
  • What gear do they provide?
  • What are participants expected to bring?
  • Are there any rest days?
  • What if a participant can't keep up? Can they be driven to a place where they can rejoin the group?

Preparing for an Adventure Travel Trip

  • Be honest about fitness. Pre-trip exercise is always advised, especially for people who have been relatively sedentary. Many people make the mistake of thinking that because they could easily hike up a mountain four months ago, they can probably do the same thing today.
  • Try to work out in a way related to the trip: Stair climbers for climbers and trekkers, treadmills for hikers, stationary bikes for cyclists. Start a few weeks before the trip, and try to do one seriously long workout every week.
  • Some trips, like skiing and horseback riding, use muscles that are rarely used in everyday life. A full day of skiing or riding can stress unused muscles so that the rest of the trip becomes more of an endurance course than a vacation. Getting in some pre-trip rides or downhill runs is the best preparation, but that isn't always possible. Work with a trainer or ask the outfitter for recommendations on how to prepare.
  • See a doctor if the trip is especially strenuous or if there are medical conditions or concerns. People going to high altitudes (usually above10,000 feet) might want to discuss altitude sickness with their doctors; the drug Diamox is sometimes recommended as a prophylactic.
  • Be sure to get recommended vaccinations and medications for travel into developing countries where diseases such as malaria, typhoid, yellow fever, or cholera are concerns. The outfitter should have this information. Another resource is the Centers for Disease Control..
  • Try on clothing to be sure it (still) fits comfortably, and update anything that looks like it might not survive the trip.
  • Break in any footwear. (The process will also toughen feet so they are less prone to blistering).
  • Read up on the destination, including interesting side trips and local foods.
  • Get an international cell phone or international cell phone service that will work in your destination, so if you are in an accident, or are ill far from medical help, you can calla doctor.

By taking these simple steps, travelers can ensure that their adventure travel vacation is as enjoyable and trouble-free as possible.

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Author George P.

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