Memorial Day Holiday History – Decoration Day

Memorial Day weekend is a time when people get ready to celebrate a three day weekend as many people get the day off from work and the kids an extra day off from school. Cars get loaded up for weekend trips, baskets are packed for picnics in the parks and parades make their way down the streets. However, many people don't know the true origins of this holiday.

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Although first celebrated on May 30, in 1971 Memorial Day was officially made to be celebrated on the last Monday in May. Memorial Day wasn't the first name of this holiday. It was originally called Decoration Day.

Decoration Day

In 1886, a New York druggist by the name of Henry C. Wells decided he wanted to find a way to honor soldiers both alive and dead. He organized a parade in his town of Waterloo and veterans and townspeople alike made their way to the cemetery where they decorated the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers and flags. They called this event Decoration Day.

Memorial Day History

The Civil War had a devastating effect on the citizens of the United States. It was the only time when Americans took side against each other and came together in bloody battle. Over 200,000 soldiers died in this battle between the North and the South.

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At about the same times Welles was organizing Decoration Day, four women came together in Columbus, Mississippi. In April, 1886, these ladies gathered in Friendship Cemetery to decorate the Confederate soldiers graves. Then they did something that hit newspapers all over the country. Along with placing flowers on the Confederates graves, they also decorated the graves of the Union Soldiers.

Grand Army of the Republic

General John Logan was the leader of a organization known as the Grand Army of the Republic, or G.A.R. It's members consisted of Union veterans. He believed that the graves of Union soldiers should be decorated each year. In 1968, his organization was able to convince the government to adopt Decoration Day as an official holiday.

The holiday became a hit in the northern states with people holding parades, singing patriotic songs, and decorating the graves of veterans. While some southern states joined in, others honored their fallen soldiers on different dates

Although Decoration Day started as a day to honor those who died in the Civil War, the holiday was later modified and changed to Memorial Day to honor all Americans who lost their lives fighting for their country. Even though many people don't know the true origins of the holiday, they still have a wonderful time celebrating it.

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